Using the AC adaptorConnect the AC adaptor supplied.ОС IN jack (@-@-@ DC IN 4.5 V)AC poweroutlet| ;The configuration of tha AC adaptor differs according tothe model.Using rechargeable batteriesObtain the optiona! rechargeable batteries for SL-S200and SL-S201C.Make sure to recharge the batteries before using them.The unit cannot be used to charge rechargeable batter-ies other than those specially designed for it.Supplied batteries for SL-S205 (RP-BP60)Optional batteries (P-3GAVA/2B, SH-CDB8D)}Recharging procedure1 Insert the special rechargeable bat-teries into the unit.2 Connect the AC adaptor.Referto “Using the AC adaptor for connection in- `structions.Power Supply PreparationsRefer to the specifications (page 8) for information on operating times when using rechargeable batteries or dry-cell batteries.a ы А: ныны ы ааа нанынынЗ When recharging is complete, un-plug the AC adaptor from the poweroutlet and the DC IN jack.elt takes approximately З hours to fully recharge thesupplied rechargeable batteries.Rechargeable batteries have a service life of approxi-mately 300 charge-discharge cycles. If the operatingtime on one full charge becomes noticeably shorterthan it used to be, the battery has reached the end ofits service life and should be replaced.@You can operate the unit with the AC adaptor while re-charging the batteries, but it will lengthen the recharg-ing time.eThe AC adaptor and rechargeable batteries may be-come warm while recharging is in progress. This is nota malfunction.If the battery lid ' Removing batter-comes loose lesSlide the lid back intoplace horizontally.Push up on the batteryin the direction indicat-ed by the arrow, Thenlift it out.Using the car adaptorThe SL-S201C comes with a car adaptor. Be sure touse the adaptor specially designed for this model.(Refer to the separate installation instructions.)Be sure to obtain the car adaptor (SH-CDC9) for51-5200 and SL-S205, available as an optional acces-sory. The car adaptor сап be used to recharge the unit'sbatteries while in the car.CAUTION: (SL-S200/SL-S205)Use only car adaptor, Model: SH-CDC9 manufac-tured by Matsushita Electric industrial Co., Ltd.This function causes the unit to ignoreshort, accidental button presses. (Thedisc lid can still be opened and closed.)The HOLD function prevents thefollowing:Powering on the unit accidentally(which can cause the batteries to godead).Play being cut off unexpectedly in themiddle of a selection.To use the HOLD functionSet HOLD to the HOLD position.“hoi d” indicationWhen the unit is in hold status, pressingany.button (other than the OPEN button)causes the indication “hg / g” to appearon the display.When the unit is powered offThe “ho!” indication appears onlywhen > 11 button is pressed.Before operating the buttonsBe sure to move HOLD to releasethe unit from the hold mode.Ө Sklip/search buttons(+44, >P •5КІР œ SEARCH)©) Display@ СО release button (PUSH)© Play/pause button (> 11)@ Stop/power off button(@, POWER OFF)Q Memory/recail button(MEMORY/RECALL)© Repeat button (REPEAT)@ Open button (OPEN)@ Headphones volume contro!(VOLUME)Using dry-cell batteries(not included)After disconnecting the AC adaptor, insert two “АА”(LAG) alkaline batteries.The procedure for inserting and removing dry-cellbatteries is identical to that for rechargeable bat-teries.Battery indicatorin 4mm Battery indicatorш ie bathe=This indicator flashes on and off when the batteries arealmost out of power. Power is cut off completely a shortwhile later.Rechargeable batteries: Recharge batteries.Dry-cell batteries: Replace batteries with new ones.ә Тһе length of time the unit will continue to operate be-tween when the battery indicator starts flashing andwhen the power is cut off differs depending on thetype of batteries used.The battery indicator may not flash if rechargeablebatteries, other than those designated by Panasonic,are used.lf the unit malfunctions or freezes during use, .then disconnect the power sources (the ACadaptor and batteries).Re-connect the power source and continue op-eration.з) Back panel! ofthe unit© XBS selector (XBS)(Э Headphones jack (())(9 Play mode selector(RESUME, NORMAL, RANDOM)@ Hold switch (HOLD)© Anti-shock switch(ANTI-SHOCK)© Out jack (OUT)@ DC in jack(өф DC IN 4.5 V}© Hole for car insulator mount-ing screw