Sequential PlaySequential play involves playing all the five discs on the five-disctray in sequence beginning with the first track on the disc at theplaying position.OPEN/CLOSEBefore beginning, follow steps 1-4 of “Basic Op¬erating Procedure” on page 7.1 Press DISC SKIP to select the desired disc.Pressing DISC SKIP will move the carousel by one position.Disc number at the playing position<2><3><4><5> cnn nn-nn-J I 11 I UU'UU_. . . _WSC '—' I—I TRACK MIN SEC2 Press PLAY to start.The play indicator will illuminate and sequential play will start.The disc indicator corresponding to the disc beingplayed flashes. j Track number in play<1><2><3><4><5> r3DISCf nn iuu iMIN SECPlay indicator Elapsed playtimeThe changer plays all the tracks on all the discs in order andstops automatically when the last track on the last disc finishesplaying.The first disc will be at the playing position.■ To exchange discs during play(D Press OPEN/CLOSE to open the loading drawer.© Press DISC SKIP to rotate the disc trays and exchange thediscs.The carousel will move by one position. Pressing again movesthe carousel in the opposite direction by two disc trays.(3) Press OPEN/CLOSE to close the loading drawer.If you play a disc with the loading drawer open, the changer will stopwhen the last track on the current disc finishes playing.8