CONTROL PANEL@ 4-CHANNEL BALANCE CONTROL LEVERLets you regulate the volume balance on all four speakers,permitting you to move the center of the reproduced soundfield from place to place in your room. When this lever is inthe neutral position, the center of the reproduced soundfield falls in the point where two diagonals of the squareformed by the four speakers intersect. The center of thereproduced sound field moves in the same direction as thislever is tilted; and the sound ceases to come out of thespeaker in the opposite direction to which this lever is tiltedto the utmost limit.@ TUNING METERPermits fast, accurate tuning. Deflection of the needle to theutmost right provides the best condition.© FM STEREO INDICATORWhen lit, it shows that the program is being broadcast inFM stereo, and you are listening to a stereo broadcast.@ TUNINGUse this knob to choose the desired program source.@ HEADPHONES JACKS (PHONES)Connect 2- or 4-channel stereo headphones to these jacks.To hear a 2-channel stereo program source:Two sets of headphones can be connected to the jacks Aand B respectively, so that two persons can hear the pro-gram simultaneously. (Inthis case, setthe mode selector®to STEREO.)To hear a 4-channel stereo program source:The FRONT terminal of 4-channel headphones must beconnected to the FRONT jack, and the REAR terminal tothe REAR jack.@ POWER OFF/SPEAKERS SELECTORPOWER OFF: The power source of this unit is turned off.SPEAKERS: Used to listen through the speaker system.PHONES: Used to listen only through the headphones.@ TONE CONTROL KNOBS (BASS & TREBLE)Let you ‘‘tailor’’ the sound to suit the contents of each pro-gram source to the acoustics of your room. Turn either ofthese knobs clockwise for intensified bass or treble, andcounterclockwise for the reverse effect. The middle positionprovides the most natural tone quality.@® VOLUME CONTROL KNOB (VOLUME)Controls the volume of four channels simultaneously. Turnclockwise for raising the volume, and counterclockwise forlowering it.© LOUDNESS SWITCHTo reduce the volume level, set this switch to the ON po-sition.At low volume level, the human ear has difficulty in clearlyhearing treble and bass sounds. For this reason, when thisswitch is set to the ON position, only the bass and treblesounds are compensated, and a dynamic performance canbe enjoyed.@ SOURCE/TAPE SELECTORTAPE: For playback of recorded tape.(If a recording is made on a 3-head tape deck...record headand playback head are separate...and the TAPE seiting isselected, operation will change to the tape monitor circuit.(See page 6.)@ MODE SELECTORSet this selector to a proper position everv time you re-produce some program source, because each programsource has its optimum mode of reproduction. This selectorhas the following four positions.STEREO: Set the selector to this position when playingconventional 2-channel stereo discs and tapesor when the 4-channel reproduction of a worn-out discrete 4-channel disc is disturbed bynoises. In the latter case, namely, when aworn-out discrete 4-channel disc is reproduc-ed with the selector set to STEREO, the soundsthrough the right channels get mixed with frontand rear and come out ofthe right-front speakerand, likewise, the sounds through the leftchannels get mixed and come out of the left-front speaker.MATRIX 1: Set the selector to this position when makingmatrix 4-channel stereo reproduction out of con-ventional 2-channel stereo discs, when play-