Before usePrecautionS .........0c cece eet ete 3Supplied Accessories .............0..0.000 3Power Sources... 0. cece eee eee eee 4Connecting the Speaker System ............- 6Concerning the Remote Control.... 7Location of Controls . 8Common Operations ... -11OperationsProgramming Broadcast Stations ............ 12Listening to Radio Broadcasts ..............5 13Listening to CDs ...Listening to TapesRecordingRecording Compact Discs ............0.0005 19Recording Radio Programs..............0008 20Recording Tape to TapeGeneral InformationEnjoying the Microphone Mixing ............. 22Quick Reference of Remote ControlOperations................ Lee oeee eee eee 23TroubleshootingGuide ...........0... 20000. 25Maintenance .... .Go atvja eventos easrenee ee te +. 26Concerning Compact Discs ............... 1. 27Concerning Cassette Tapes ............. PernTechnical Specifications ...... . +... Back Cover‘csr* If the set is not used for a long period of time or is used onlyfrom an AC power source, remove ail the batteries to preventPotential damage due to possible battery leakage.+ Avoid using or placing this unit near sources of heat. Do not leave itin an automobile exposed to direct sunlight for a long time with thedoors and windows closed as this may deform the cabinet.¢ Avoid cuts, scratches, or poor connections in the AC power cord, asthey may result in possible fire or electric shock hazard. Also,excessive bending, pulling or splicing of the cord should be avoided.* Do not unplug the AC power cord by pulling on the cord. To do somay cause premature failure or shock hazard.Do not operate the set on AC power in a bathroom, as a potentialshock hazard may result.* When not in use, disconnect the AC power cord from the householdAC outlet.Please check and identify the supplied accessories.KO Remote control transmitter... 0.00.00... 0.00008 1 pe.(EUR643821)