Dear customerThank you for purchasing this product.For optimum performance and safety, please read theseinstructions aweTable of. ContentsРгесашїоп5..................... prar 2Listening Caution ...................... TQ ee 3Location of Controls ...................-...5.... 4Power Sources .......................--....... 5Common Operations oec sd av tope ea ES Re 5Listening to CDs eee eeen n nnn e 6Listeningto Tapes ............. ennn II 7Listening to the Radio ......................... 8. Recording Radio Programs ..................... 8Recording Compact Discs ...................... 9Maintenance .................................. 10Technical Specifications .......................... 10Product Service eee eee eee eee 10Concerning Compact Discs ...................... 11Concerning Cassette Tapes ...................... 11Troubleshooting Guide ............ A UAaBre Back coverCAUTION:TO PREVENT ELECTRIC SHOCKMATCH WIDE BLADE OF PLUG TOWIDE SLOT, FULLY INSERT.RISK OF,ELECTRIC SHOCKSarms DO'NOTOPEN SERESCAUTION: TO REDUCE THE RISK OF ELECTRICSHOCK, DO NOT REMOVE SCREWS.NO USER-SERVICEABLE PARTSINSIDE.REFER SERVICING TO QUALIFIEDSERVICE PERSONNEL.The lightning flash with arrowhead symbol,within an equilateral triangle, is intendedto alert the user to the presence of un-insulated “dangerous voltage" within theproduct’s enclosure that may be of suffi-cient magnitude to constitute a risk ofelectric shock to persons.The exclamationpointwithinan equilateraltriangle is intended to alert the user to thepresenceofimportant operatingand.main-TAX tenance(servicing) instructionsinthe^5:Xliteratureaccompanyingtheappliance.CAUTION!THISPRODUCTUTILIZES A LASER.USE OFCONTROLSORADJUSTMENTSORPERFORMANCEOFPROCEDURES OTHER`THAN THOSE SPECIFIED HEREIN MAYRESULTINHAZARDOUS RADIATIONEX-POSURE.DO NOT OPEN COVERS AND DO NOTREPAIR YOURSELF. REFER SERVICING TOQUALIFIED PERSONNEL.PrecautionsBefore using this unit please read these operating instruc-tions carefully. Take special care to follow the warningsindicated on the unit itself as well as the safety suggestionslisted below.Afterwards keep them handy for future reference.Safety1. Power Source—The unit should be connected to powersupply only of the type described in the operating instruc-. tions oras marked on the unit.2. Polarization—f the unit is equipped with a polarized ACpower plug (a plug having one blade wider than theother), that plug will fit into the AC outlet only one way.This is a safety feature. If you are unable to insert theplug fully into the outlet, try reversing the plug. If the plug.should still fail to fit, contact your electrician to replaceyour obsolete outlet. Do not defeat the safety purpose ofthe polarized plug.3. Power Cord Protection—AC power supply cordsshould be routed so that they are not likely to be walkedon or pinched by items placed upon or against them.Never take hold of the plug or cord if your hand is wet,and always grasp the plug body when connecting ordisconnecting it.4.NonusePeriods—Whentheunitisnotused,turnthepoweroff.Whenleftunusedforalong periodof time,theunitshould beunpluggedfromthehouseholdACoutlet.InstallationEnvironment1.Water andMoisture—Donotusethisunitnearwater—-forexample,nearabathtub,washbowi,swimmingpool,orthelike.Dampbasementsshouldalsobeavoided.2.Condensation—Moisturemayformonthe lensinthefollowing conditions...oimmediatelyafteraheaterhasbeenturnedon.oin a steamy or very humid room.ewhentheunitissuddenlymovedfroma coldenviron-menttoawarmone.Ifmoisture formsinsidethisunit,itmaynotoperateproperly.Tocorrectthisproblem,turnon thepowerandwaitabout one hourforthemoisturetoevaporate.3.Heat—Theunitshould than 5°C (41°F)orgreaterthan35°C(95*F).Placement1.Ventilation—Theunitshould besituated sothatitsloca-tion orpositiondoesnot interfere withitsproperventila-tion.Allow 10cm(4")clearance fromthe rear of theunit.2.ForeignMaterial—Care should be takenso thatobjectsdonotfallintoandliquids are not spilledintotheunit.Donotsubjectthis unit toexcessive smoke,dust,mechani-‘calvibration, orshock.`3.Magnetism—Theunitshould be situatedaway fromequipmentordevicesthatgenerate strongmagneticfields.4.Stacking—Donot place heavy objects, other ‘than sys-tem components, on top of the unit.