8InstallationRemoving the freezer doorWhen removing the door● Ensure the door is in the closed position.● Take care not to bend the hinges or damage the water supply hoses.● Handle the removed door carefully to keep it safe from damage and impact.1 Remove the top hinge cover.Turn the hinge cover screw counterclockwise, and remove it.2 Disconnect the connecting cable.While pressing on the knob, pull out the cable in the directionshown by the arrow.3 Remove the top hinge.Turn the hinge screws and the grounding screwcounterclockwise, and remove them.● When removing the top hinge, take care to support the doorso that it will not topple forward.Knob1234 Remove the hose guide, and remove the door.Remove the hose guide from the bottom hinge in the directionshown by the arrow.And then lift the door straight up from the bottom hinge, andremove it.● Pull out the water supply hoses so that it is completelydisconnected.Hose guideRemoving the fridge doorWhen removing the door● Ensure the door is in the closed position.● Handle the removed door carefully to keep it safe from damage and impact.1 Remove the top hinge cover.Turn the hinge cover screw counterclockwise, and remove it.2 Disconnect the connecting cable.While pressing on the knob, pull out the cable in the directionshown by the arrow.3 Remove the top hinge.Turn the hinge screws counterclockwise, and remove them.● When removing the top hinge, take care to support the doorso that it will not topple forward.132Knob4 Remove the door.Lift the door straight up from the bottom hinge, and remove it.