2.8 Connection of 2.4 GHz Portable Stations112 Installation ManualObject Material Transmission TendencyWall Concrete The thicker they are, the less radio wavespenetrate them.Ferroconcrete Radio waves can penetrate them, but the more ironthere is, the more radio waves are reflected.Window Glass Radio waves usually penetrate them.Glass with wire nets Radio waves can penetrate them, but tend to bereflected.Glass covered withheat-resistant filmRadio waves are weakened considerably whenthey penetrate windows.Floor Ferroconcrete Radio waves can penetrate them, but the more ironthere is, the more radio waves are reflected.Partition Steel Radio waves are reflected and rarely penetratethem.Plywood, Glass Radio waves usually penetrate them.Column Ferroconcrete Radio waves can penetrate them, but the more ironthere is, the more radio waves tend to be reflectedor diffracted.Metal Radio waves tend to be reflected or diffracted.Cabinet Steel Radio waves are usually reflected or diffracted,and rarely penetrate them.Wood Radio waves can penetrate them, but they areweakened.