If there is any trouble, disconnect theunit from the extension line andconnect a known working phone. Ifthe known working phone operatesproperly, have the defective phonerepaired by one of the specifiedPanasonic Factory Service Centers. Ifthe known working phone does notoperate properly, check theElectronic Modular Switching Systemand the Internal extension wiring.WARNING:TO PREVENT FIRE OR SHOCKHAZARD, DO NOT EXPOSE THISPRODUCT TO RAIN OR ANY TYPEOF MOISTURE.CAUTION:To assure continued compliance withFCC rules, do not make anyunauthorized modifications. Whenprogramming emergency numbersand/or making test calls toemergency numbers:1) Remain on the line and brieflyexplain to the dispatcher thereason for the call before hangingUP.2) Perform such activities in the off-peak hours, such as early morninghours or late evenings.INSTALLATION:1) Never install telephone wiringduring a lightning storm.2) Never install telephone jacks inwet locations unless the jack isspecifically designed for wetlocations.3) Never touch uninsulated telephonewires or terminals unless thetelephone line has beendisconnected at the networkInterface.4) Use caution when installing ormodifying telephone lines.NOTE:This equipment has been tested andfound to comply with the limits for aClass B digital device, pursuant toPart 15 of the FCC Rules. Theselimits are designed to providereasonable protection against harmfulinterference in a residentialinstallation. This equipment generates,uses, and can radiate radiofrequency energy and, if not installedand used in accordance with theinstructions, may cause harmfulinterference to radio communications.However, there is no guarantee thatinterference will not occur in aparticular installation. If thisequipment does cause harmfulinterference to radio or televisionreception, which can be determinedby turning the equipment off and on,the user is encouraged to try tocorrect the interference by one ormore of the following measures:-Reorient or relocate the receivingantenna.-Increase the separation betweenequipment and receiver.-Connect the equipment into anoutlet on a circuit different from thatto which the receiver is connected.-Consult the dealer or anexperienced radio/TV technician forhelp.This telephone provides magneticcoupling to hearing aids.-lO-