Panasonic Digital Super Hybrid SystemProduct Description17ISSUE 1 E & O EOther FeaturesHeadset ConnectionDescriptionThe KX-T7130E is headset compatible. Headset operation can be set and cancelled using the headset / handsetswitch on the KX-T7130E telephone. When headset operation is activated all audio is switched to the headset,including speaker audio. The headset feature can also used with the DSS console keys to allow ease of use.BenefitsAllows headset operation at any extension thereby increasing the efficiency.Automatic AnswerDescriptionAll keyphones with a speakerphone, are equipped with an automatic answer button for intercom calls. When aninternal call is received the extension user being called can reply to the caller without lifting the hand-set.BenefitsSimplifies call processing by allowing internal calls to be answered without having to pick up the hand-set. Idealfor hands free environments such as engineers, architects, executives, doctors etc.Automatic RecallDescriptionAll calls transferred through extensions and left unanswered will automatically revert back to the transferringextension after a set time. The KX-T206E has an adjustable recall timer.BenefitImproves customer service by ensuring that calls are processed and handled within a given time.On Hook DiallingDescriptionThere is no need to lift the hand-set when placing a call with any keyphone. When placing a call simply pressthe line or SP-PHONE/MONITOR key and dial the required number. Also, while in a conversation, it is possibleto monitor the conversation by simply pressing the SP-PHONE/MONITOR key and replacing the hand-set. Ifyou are using a non speaker phone simply pick up the hand-set to continue your conversation.BenefitsIncreases productivity by freeing up users and allowing them to do paperwork, etc.