@GO©0=0©CO WARNING:TO AVOID THE RISK OF SERIOUS INJURY ORPOSSIBLE VIOLATION OF LAWS, NOT FOR USEWHERE VISIBLE TO DRIVER FOR ANY PURPOSEOTHER THAN NAVIGATION OR USE WITH REARVIEW CAMERA.When Driving©The driver must not operate the color LCDmonitor. Operating the color LCD monitor maylead to distraction and cause an accident. Stopyou car in a safe location when operating theunit.© The driver must not watch videos while driving,it may lead to distraction and cause an acci-dent.• Keep the unit at an appropriate sound level.Driving with the sound at a level that preventsyou from hearing sounds outside and aroundthe car may cause an accident.WARNING:For safe driving, watching TV and video isavailable only in stopped condition with theparking brake pulled. "WARNING" will be dis-played while the parking brake is not engaged.TO REDUCE THE RISK OF FIRE OR ELECTRICSHOCK, USE ONLY THE INCLUDED COMPO-NENTS.The user should bear in mind that in someareas there may be restrictions on how andwhere this unit must be installed. Consult yourdealer for further details.CAUTION:When Car WashingDo not expose the product to water or excessivemoisture. This could cause electrical shorts, fireor other damage.WARNING:o Due to the extreme danger of accidentsoccurring, the driver must not watch the tele-vision or videos while driving.o Do not expose unit to direct sunlight or exces-sive heat.(Back of product)(PSifl@S0[fi)5e MODEL NO.N° DE MODELE CY-VM5800UYFM014C240ZAUjiditttirrt ty MttKshili Electric (Ijitjj) Co., WTirpti Ttivn UlCt £1 Taiin.1WARNINGDue to the extreme danger of accidents occurring, the drivermust not watch the television or videos while driving.Do not expose unit to direct sunlight or excessive heat.