100 CY-VHD9500U CY-VHD9500U 101ENGLISH57SpecificationsGeneralPower supply: DC 12 V (11 V–16 V),test voltage 14.4 V,negative groundCurrent consumption: Less than 2.0 A(without dome light)Usage temperature range: 32 ˚F to 104 ˚F(0 ˚C to 40 ˚C)Storage temperature range: –4 ˚F to 176 ˚F(–20 ˚C to 80 ˚C)Bulbs for dome light: DC 12 V, 5 W 2 piecesVideo input signal: Composite Video Signal1.0 Vp-p (75 ≠)Video output signal: Composite Video Signal1.0 Vp-p (75 ≠)Video sectionSignal format: NTSC (Standard signalformat in U.S. and Japan)Video output: 75 ≠, 1 Vp-pRegion number: 1 and ALLDisc played:(1) DVD video disc 5q (12 cm) single-sided,single-layer/double layer5q (12 cm) double-sided,single-layer/double-layer(2) Compact disc (CD-DA,Video CD, CD-R, CD-RW)5q (12 cm) discAudio sectionAudio input sensitivity: 2.0 Vrms (VTR1, VTR2)Pre-amp output voltage: 1.8 VrmsPre-amp output impedance: 600 ≠Output voltage/impedance: 1.8 Vrms/600 ≠Audio signal outputcharacteristics:(1) Frequencyresponse: 20 Hzj20 kHz (CD)20 Hzj22 kHz (DVDvideo 48 kHz sampling)20 Hzj44 kHz (DVDvideo 96 kHz sampling)(2) S/N ratio: 95 dB (IHF, A)(3) Wow and fl utter: Below measurable limitsSD played:Media: SD Memory CardImage: JPEGVideo: MPEGVoice: G.726Audio: MPEG2-AAC,MP3 (Samplingfrequency: 32 kHz,44.1 kHz, 48 kHz)Overall SystemDigital audio output:Disc Sound recording format Optical digital audio output from connectorDVD video Dolby DigitalDTS*Linear PCM(48 kHz 16/20/24 bit)Dolby Digital bitstream (1j5.1 ch)DTS bitstream (1j5.1 ch) (The analog portion is not output.)Linear PCM (2 ch)(48 kHz sampling/16 bit only)Video CD MPEG 1Linear PCMMPEG 1 bitstreamLinear PCM (2 ch) (44.1 kHz sampling/16 bit)CD Linear PCMDTS*Linear PCM (2 ch) (44.1 kHz sampling/16 bit)DTS bitstream (1j5.1 ch) (The analog portion is not output.)MP3 MP3 Linear PCM (2 ch) (32 kHz/44.1 kHz/48 kHz sampling/16 bit)*DTS only works with optical outputs.ENGLISH58Display UnitLiquid crystal panel: 9qScreen dimensions:Width: 713 /16q(198 mm)Height: 47 /16q (112 mm)Diagonal: 815 /16q (227 mm)Number of pixels: 336 960 pixels(234 verticalk480 horizontalk3)Display method: RGB vertical stripeDrive method: a-SiTFT active matrixformatLight source: 3-wavelength straightcold-cathode tube/edgelightDimensions (WkHkD): 1413 /16qk97/ 8qk21 /4q(375k250k56 mm)Weight: 6 lbs. 10 oz (3.0 k )IR Wireless HeadphonesType: Open-air dynamic stereoheadphonesUnit: 15 /8q (40 mm) diameterPower supply: DC 3 V(Two R03, AAA, UM-4batteries)Dimensions (WkHkD): (When the unit isextended maximally)71 /8qk8 3/4qk33/16q(180k205k80 mm)Weight: 7 oz. (210 )(including batteries)Above specifi cations comply with EIA standards.Note:≥ Specifi cations and design are subject tomodifi cation without notice due to improvements.Laser productsWave length: 650 nmLaser power: No hazardous radiation is emittedwith safety protection.U.S. Patent Nos. 4,631,603; 4,577,216;4,819,098; 4,907,093; and 6,516,132.This product incorporates copyright protectiontechnology that is protected by U.S. patentsand other intellectual property rights. Use ofthis copyright protection technology must beauthorized by Macrovision, and is intended forhome and other limited viewing uses only unlessotherwise authorized by Macrovision. Reverseengineering or disassembly is prohibited.“DTS” and “DTS Digital Out” are trademarks ofDigital Theater Systems, Inc.Manufactured under license from DolbyLaboratories. “Dolby” and the double-Dsymbol are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories.Confi dential unpublished works. Copyright1992-1997 Dolby Laboratories. All rightsreserved.≥ SD logo is a trademark.≥ Portions of this product are protected undercopyright law and are provided under licenseby ARIS/SOLANA/4C.≥ Licensed AAC Patents (U.S. patent numbers);08/937,950 5,394,473 5,579,4305,481,614 5,299,238 5,581,6545848391 5,583,962 08/678,6665,592,584 5,299,239 05-183,9885,291,557 5,274,740 98/030375,781,888 5,299,240 5,548,5745,451,954 5,633,981 97/0287508/039,478 5,197,087 08/506,7295 400 433 5 297 236 97/0287408/211,547 5,490,170 08/576,4955,222,189 4,914,701 98/030365,703,999 5,264,846 5,717,8215,357,594 5,235,671 5,227,78808/557,046 5,268,685 08/392,7565 752 225 07/640,550 5,285,49808/894,844 5,375,189