Measure the high voltage. The high voltage should be 29.25 ± 1.25kV. If the upper limit is out oftolerance, immediate service and correction is required to insure safe operation and to preventthe possibility of premature component failure.Horizontal oscillator disable circuit testThis test must be performed as a final check before the receiver is returned to the customer. Seehorizontal oscillator disable circuit procedure check in this manual.2. Service notesNOTEThese components are affixed with glue. Be careful not to break or damage any foil under thecomponent or at the pins of the ICs when removing. Usually applying heat to the component for ashort time while twisting with tweezers will break the component loose.Leadless chip component (surface mount)Chip components must be replaced with identical chips due to critical foil track spacing. Thereare no holes in the board to mount standard transistors or diodes. Some chips capacitor orresistor board solder pads may have holes through the board,however the hole diameter limitsstandard resistor replacement to 1/8 watt. Standard capacitor may also be limited for the samereason. It is recommended that identical components be used.Chip resistor have a three digit numerical resistance code, 1st and 2nd significant digits and amultiplier. Example: 162 = 1600 or 1.6k resistor, 0 = 0 (jumper).Chip capacitors generally do not have the value indicated on the capacitor. The color of thecomponent indicates the general range of the capacitance.Chip transistors are identified by a two letter code. The first letter indicates the type and thesecond letter, the grade of transistor.Chip diodes have a two letter identification code as per the code chart and are a dual diode packwith either common anode or common cathode. Check the parts list for correct diode number.Component removal1. Use solder wick to remove solder from component end caps orterminal.2. Without pulling up, carefully twist the component with tweezers tobreak the adhesive.3. Do not reuse removed leadless or chip components since they aresubject to stress fracture during removal.Chip component installation4