3. Unplug the CRT 2nd anode button from the main board.4. Remove the C-Board from the CRT base and unplug the blackwires (CRT dag ground) C10 & C11.5. Disconnect the speakers plug from the A-Board.6. Lift the main chassis (A-Board) and all mounted boards completelyout with the CRT board attached.7. Perform complete removal of chassis, as instructed in“disassembly for service” section.CRT replacement1. Perform “disassembly for CRT replacement” procedure.2. Insure that the CRT H.V. Anode button is discharged beforehandling the CRT. Read the “safety precautions” section onhandling the picture tube.3. Remove the components from the CRT neck and place the cabinetface down on a soft pad.4. Note the original order for the CRT mounting hardware as they areremove from the CRT mounting brackets at each corner of theCRT.5. Remove the CRT with the degaussing coil and the dag groundbraid attached.6. Note the original locations and mounting of the degaussing coiland the dag ground assembly to insure proper reinstallation onthe replacement CRT.To remove and remount the degaussing coil:- Unhook the coil spring from the bottom corners of the CRTears.- Release the braid loop from the upper corners of the CRT ears.7. Mount the dag ground braid on the replacement CRT. Position thedegaussing coil with new ties.Dress coil as was on the original CRT.8. Replace the components on CRT neck and reinstall into cabinet.Verify that all ground wires and circuit board plugs get connected.16