Useful Display Functions for Professional UseVarious Markers [2550] [1760] [1710] [900A] [80WU]Various markers can bedisplayed in both 16:9 and 4:3aspect ratios.• Aspect Marker (16:9):4:3, 13:9, 14:9, CNSCO or VISTA,with background brightnesscontrol of Black (0%), Half (50%)or Normal (100%).• Safe Area Marker (16:9/4:3):95%, 93%, 90%, 88% or 80%.In 16:9 mode, the BT-LH2550/LH1760/LH1710/LH80WU candisplay a superimposed safearea marker corresponding tothe aspect marker’s angle ofview.• Center Marker (16:9/4:3):ON/OFF. The center marker canbe displayed together withanother marker, as shown in theexample on the left.Cross Hatch Overlay [2550] [1760] [1710] [80WU]A simple cross hatch overlay canbe displayed (at 120* dotsinterval, fixed) to check the tilt ofthe camera. You can alsoallocate the cross hatch functionto any of the three function keys.*80 dots for the BT-LH1760/LH1710,50 dots for the BT-LH80WU.Waveform Monitoring [2550] [1760] [1710] [900A] [80WU]All lines of the input signal isdisplayed as a waveform formonitoring. The BT-LH2550/LH1760/LH1710 waveformdisplay can be positioned in anyof the four corners of the screen.The BT-LH900A/LH80WUwaveform is displayed in thelower right portion of the screen.Vectorscope Display [2550] [1760] [1710]All lines of the input signal isdisplayed as a vectorscope, andcan be positioned in any of thefour corners of the screen.HV Delay Display and Mono Mode[2550] [1760] [1710] [900A*1] [80WU*2]The HV Delay function that displays the video blanking period, andthe Mono mode that switches the display to black-and-white canbe assigned to function keys for quick access.*1: LH900A: not assignable on function keys (need to be set on menu).*2: LH80WU: Mono Mode only.Pixel-to-Pixel Display [1760] [1710] [80WU]This function lets you displayand confirm video pixels input inHD-SDI without any resizing.In the BT-LH1760/LH1710, thisfunction is useful for imageconfirmation. When using 1080i,choose from five display areas:center, right-top, right-bottom, left-top or left-bottom. In theBT-LH80WU, this function facilitates focusing. With 1080/60i inputsignals, you can check the focus with a screen width equivalent to19 inches.Coordination of Multiple Cameras on Split Screens[2550] [1760] [1710]A frame of video can easily befrozen and displayed as a stillimage on the left side of thescreen. This function can beused to match a live camera witha frame of video shot at anearlier time or with a different camera. There are two displaymodes: FULL for displaying and comparing the entire image on thescreen, and PART for displaying and comparing only the centerpart of the images. (FULL-only on LH2550)Audio Level Meter Overlay [2550] [1760] [1710]The BT-LH2550/LH1760/LH1710come with an audio embeddedfunction. In addition, theSDI-input audio level can bedisplayed on the screen with awhite skeleton bar meter. Choosefrom 2-channel/4-channel/8-channel/OFF for the display.Time Code Display Function [2550] [1760] [1710]With HD-SDI input, this functiondisplays the value of the VITC,LTC or UB time code, dependingon which one has been selected.Closed Caption Function [2550] [1760] [1710]When an NTSC video signal isinput, this function can displayclose captions (32 characters x15 lines). The display mode canbe selected from CC1, CC2,CC3 or CC4.Cine Gamma Compensation [2550] [1760] [1710] [900A]Equipped with a cine-gamma (F-REC) compensation function forcompatibility as a monitor for the Varicam AJ-HDC27H Camcorder.This function supports the production of movies, film-like HDTVprograms, and TV commercials.Focus-in-Red Function for HD Shooting [80WU]This function emphasizes thesharply focused area of theimage by showing it in an easilyvisible red, making it easier tofocus the HD camera.4:3 Aspect MarkerSafe Area and Center Marker4:3 Aspect and Safe Area Marker(BT-LH2550/LH1760/LH1710/LH80WU)ON ImageOFF Image