2MONITOR OUT ConnectorA MONITOR OUT connector is added to the video board.A composite video signal is output from this connector whencomponent (Y/Pr/Pb) signals are input from the pan/tilthead.❈ Precautions• Use the composite video output signal for verifying thevideo images on a monitor. This signal cannot be used asthe video signal for a system which is connected to aswitcher or other unit.• The connector cannot be used when composite videosignals are input from the pan/tilt head.$ Main unit (AW-RP605AN only)$ Control panelCONTROL/PREVIEW MONITOR OUT SELAUX1 2 3 4 5TALLYTRACING MEMORYLAMPMENULIMITOFFLIMITONFULLEMPTYOKLCDCONTRASTCAMERACONTROLSTARTPOINTR/BGAIN/PEDWHITEBAL AWCGAINMODECLOSE WIDE NEARDATA SETTR/PSET M.LOCKMEMORYIRISIRISIRISOPEN ZOOMTELE FOCUSFARCALLINCOMLEVELFOCUSOPENFARTELEOFFONOPERATEWIDEZOOM/FOCUS/IRISABCATWAB NGOKSTART/STOP RESTORE RESETDEF WIP H/F EXT(AF) ND OPTIONPAN/TILT SETCAMERA CONTROLTRACING/PRESET MEMORYIRISSPEEDPRIORITYFOCUSBARCAMTRPSETLOWHIGHAUTOMANUAUTOMANULOCK1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2021 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 13031 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4041 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50DOWNPAN/TILT/FOCUS/IRISUPL RCLOSENEAR OPENFARCLOSENEARControl Panel AW-RP605A/AW-RP615AG/LIN75ΩAUTOTALLY12345 5 4CONTROL OUTTO PAN/TILT HEAD3 2 1EXT/SERVICE AUXIN75ΩPREVIEWMONITOROUT 1PREVIEWMONITOROUT 2PREVIEWMONITOROUT 3INCOM EXTERNALCONTROLOUTOFF ONTERMINATIONTALK-RECEIVE- +RECEIVE+TALKCONTROL INTO CONTOROL PANELCONTROL PANELPOWER OUTGNDDC 12V INPUSHDC POWEROFFON3 2 1124 356- +1243TO PAN/TILTHEAD MONITOR OUTVIDEO/YINVIDEO/YOUTOPTIONCARDPrOUTPbOUTPrINPbING/LOUTREMOTERequiredY/Pr/Pb InputforMONITOR OUTParts and their functionsEXT (AF) ButtonThe EXT button is changed to the EXT (AF) button on theAW-RP605AN and AW-RP615AN.If a lens with an extender function is used in the selectedpan/tilt head system, the extender function is set from ON toOFF or vice versa each time the EXT (AF) button ispressed.If a lens (AW-LZ16AF7G) with an AF function is used in theselected pan/tilt head system, the AF function of the lens isset from ON to OFF or vice versa each time the EXT (AF)button is pressed.In either case, the button lamp is lighted at the ON setting,and it is extinguished at the OFF setting.EXT (AF) ButtonMONITOR OUTConnector❈ This button can be used to turn the function ON or OFF only when the AW-PH350 pan-tilt head is connected.When the pan-tilt head is not used and only the camera is connected, select ON or OFF using the menu item.