-27-e Right Panning LimiterTurn the pan/tilt head to the desired right panning limitwith PAN/TILT Lever #8, keep MEMORY Switch @7depressed, and simultaneously press buttons [4] and[9] of PRESET Switch @8 for 5 seconds or more. Whenthe desired limit has been set, button [5] of PRESETSwitch @8 lights.To reset the limit, keep the MEMORY Switch @7depressed, and simultaneously press buttons [4] and[9] of PRESET Switch @8 again for 5 seconds or more.When the set limit is reset, button [10] of PRESETSwitch @8 lights.r Up Tilting LimiterTurn the pan/tilt head to the desired up tilting limit withPAN/TILT Lever #8, keep MEMORY Switch @7depressed, and simultaneously press buttons [2] and[3] of PRESET Switch @8 for 5 seconds or more. Whenthe desired limit has been set, button [5] of PRESETSwitch @8 lights.To reset the limit, keep the MEMORY switch @7depressed, and simultaneously press buttons [2] and[3] of PRESET Switch @8 again for 5 seconds or more.When the set limit is reset, button [10] of PRESETSwitch @8 lights.t Down Tilting LimiterTurn the pan/tilt head to the desired down tilting limitwith PAN/TILT Lever #8, keep MEMORY Switch @7depressed, and simultaneously press buttons [7] and[8] of PRESET Switch @8 for 5 seconds or more. Whenthe desired limit has been set, button [5] of PRESETSwitch @8 lights.To reset the limit, keep the MEMORY switch @7depressed, and simultaneously press buttons [7] and[8] of PRESET Switch @8 again for 5 seconds or more.When the set limit is reset, button [10] of PRESETSwitch @8 lights.y Select the pan/tilt heads with the CONTROL switch,one at a time, and set the operating range limiters ofeach pan/tilt head.3. Cable Compensation Settings,Genlock, and Total PedestalAdjustments for Each Cameras andVarious Switch Settings1) After selecting a camera with the CONTROL Switch@2, set the CAM CONT Switch r to the ON position.Note: When the CAM CONT Switch r on the multihybrid control panel is set to the ON position, theswitch settings of the multi hybrid control panel aresent to the camera to update its settings. Do notset the CAM CONT Switch r to the ON positionexcept when changing the camera settings. Ifanother camera is selected with the CONTROLSwitch @2 while the CAM CONT Switch r is in the