IV+DQGOLQJWKH/&'VFUHHQ'LUHFWVXQOLJKWRQWKH/&'VFUHHQFDQFDXVHGDPDJHWRWKHVFUHHQ7DNHFDUHZKHQ\RXDUHplacing the television near a window. Do not push or scratch the LCD screen. Do not place heavy objects on the LCD screen.Thosemay cause the screen to lose conformity or cause LCD panel to malfunction.,IWKH79LVXVHGLQDFROGSODFHIX]]\LPDJHPD\DSSHDURQWKHVFUHHQ7KLVLVQRWDmalfunction. The screen will be normal as its temperature rises to the normal operating level.,IDVWLOOSLFWXUHLVGLVSOD\HGIRUDORQJSHULRGRIWLPHRQWKHWHOHYLVLRQVFUHHQJKRVWLQJPD\occur for a while. The ghosting will eventually disappear.'LVSOD\LQJDVWDWLFLPDJHIRUDORQJSHULRGRIWLPHRQWKHWHOHYLVLRQVFUHHQPD\FDXVHEXUQLQ,IWKH/&'SDQHOEHFRPHVZDUPGXULQJRSHUDWLRQWKLVLVQormal and not a malfunction.+DQGOLQJRIEURNHQJODVVDQGOLTXLGFU\VWDOOHDNDJHIf the LCD panel is damaged, crystalline liquid leakage may occur, or scattered broken glassmay result. Do not touch broken glass or crystalline liquid (which is toxic) with bare hands thathave cuts or skin irritation as poisoning any result. If any crystalline liquid gets into mouth oreyes,rinse thoroughly with clean water and consult your doctor.,03257$17127,&(This product composes up to 6.0 million cells and a few cell defects may occur in the manu-facture of the panel. Several dead pixel (allow up to 2 bright or 2 dark pixels) on the panel aredeemed acceptable by the industry standards. In line with manufacturers and would not meanthat the panel is faulty. Dead pixels panels with 6 pixels or more within 12 month period, Pal-sonic Corporation Pty Ltd. complies with industry standard and reserves the right to repair theXQLWDQGQRQUHIXQGDEOH:HKRSH\RXZLOOXQGHUVWDQGWKDWWKHSURXGXFWWKDWFRUUHVSRQGVWRthis standard is regarded as acceptable.&$87,21,IWKHVHWLVQRWJRLQJWREHXVHGIRUDORQJSHULRGVXFKDVGXULQJa vacation,remove the plug from the wall outlet to economise power. ,IWKH79VHWLVSOXJJHGLQDVOLJKWFXUUHQWVWLOOÀRZVHYHQWKHSRZHUEXWWRQLVLQ2))SRVWLRQ