Getting Started with the NI PXI/PCIe-8231 2 ni.comSafety InformationCaution The following paragraphs contain important safety information you must follow wheninstalling and operating the device.Do not operate the device in a manner not specified in the documentation. Misuse of the device mayresult in a hazard and may compromise the safety protection built into the device. If the device isdamaged, turn it off and do not use it until service-trained personnel can check its safety. If necessary,return the device to National Instruments for repair.Keep away from live circuits. Do not remove equipment covers or shields unless you are trained to doso. If signal wires are connected to the device, hazardous voltages can exist even when the equipment isturned off. To avoid a shock hazard, do not perform procedures involving cover or shield removal unlessyou are qualified to do so. Disconnect all field power prior to removing covers or shields.If the device is rated for use with hazardous voltages (>30 Vrms , 42.4 V pk, or 60 Vdc ), it may require asafety earth-ground connection wire. Refer to the device specifications for maximum voltage ratings.Because of the danger of introducing additional hazards, do not install unauthorized parts or modify thedevice. Use the device only with the chassis, modules, accessories, and cables specified in theinstallation instructions. All covers and filler panels must be installed while operating the device.Do not operate the device in an explosive atmosphere or where flammable gases or fumes may bepresent. Operate the device only at or below the pollution degree stated in the specifications. Pollutionconsists of any foreign matter—solid, liquid, or gas—that may reduce dielectric strength or surfaceresistivity. The following is a description of pollution degrees.• Pollution Degree 1—No pollution or only dry, nonconductive pollution occurs. The pollution hasno effect.• Pollution Degree 2—Normally only nonconductive pollution occurs. Occasionally, nonconductivepollution becomes conductive because of condensation.• Pollution Degree 3—Conductive pollution or dry, nonconductive pollution occurs. Nonconductivepollution becomes conductive because of condensation.Clean the device and accessories by brushing off light dust with a soft, nonmetallic brush. Remove othercontaminants with a stiff, nonmetallic brush. The unit must be completely dry and free fromcontaminants before returning it to service.You must insulate signal connections for the maximum voltage for which the device is rated. Do notexceed the maximum ratings for the device. Remove power from signal lines before connection to ordisconnection from the device.Caution National Instruments measurement products may be classified as either MeasurementCategory I or II. Operate products at or below the Measurement Category level specified in thehardware specifications.Measurement Category1: Measurement circuits are subjected to working voltages 2 and transientstresses (overvoltage) from the circuit to which they are connected during measurement or test.Measurement Category establishes standardized impulse withstand voltage levels that commonly occur1 Measurement Categories as defined in electrical safety standard IEC 61010-1.2 Working voltage is the highest rms value of an AC or DC voltage that can occur across any particular insulation.