INTRODUCTION9Overview (Continued)Restrictions on video recording• You cannot record copy-protected video using thisrecorder. Copy-protected video includes DVD-Videodiscs and some satellite broadcasts. If copy-protectedmaterial is encountered during a recording, recordingwill pause or stop automatically and an error messagewill be displayed on-screen.• Video that is ‘copy-once only’ can only be recordedusing a DVD-RW disc in VR mode with CPRM (seebelow).• NTSC format signals from the analog or the DVinputs is not recorded correctly with this recorder.• Video signals in SECAM format (from the built-in TVtuner or from the analog inputs) are recorded in PALformat.What is ‘CPRM’?CPRM is a copy protection system (with scramble sys-tem) only allowing the recording of ‘copy once’ broad-cast programs. CPRM stands for Content Protection forRecordable Media.This recorder is CPRM compatible, which means thatyou can record copy-once broadcast programs, but youcannot then make a copy of those recordings. CPRMrecordings can only be made on DVD-RW discs format-ted in VR mode, and CPRM recordings can only beplayed on players that are specifically compatible withCPRM.Copyright• Recording equipment should be used only for lawfulcopying and you are advised to check carefully whatis lawful copying in the country in which you are mak-ing a copy. Copying of copyright material such asfilms or music is unlawful unless permitted by a legalexception or consented to by the rights owner.• This product incorporates copyright protection tech-nology that is protected by method claims of certainU.S. patents and other intellectual property rightsowned by Macrovision Corporation and other rightsowners. Use of this copyright protection technologymust be authorized by Macrovision Corporation, andis intended for home and other limited viewing usesonly unless otherwise authorized by Macrovision cor-poration. Reverse engineering or disassembly is pro-hibited.• CONSUMERS SHOULD NOTE THAT NOT ALL HIGHDEFINITION TELEVISION SETS ARE FULLY COM-PATIBLE WITH THIS PRODUCT AND MAY CAUSEARTIFACTS TO BE DISPLAYED IN THE PICTURE.IN CASE OF 625 PROGRESSIVE SCAN PICTUREPROBLEMS, IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT THEUSER SWITCH THE CONNECTION TO THE‘STANDARD DEFINITION’ OUTPUT. IF THERE AREQUESTIONS REGARDING OUR TV SET COMPATI-BILITY WITH THIS MODEL 625p RECORDER,PLEASE CONTACT OUR CUSTOMER SERVICECENTER.Remote Control Operation RangePoint the remote control at the remote sensor and pressthe buttons.Remote Control Battery InstallationDetach the battery cover on the rear ofthe remote control, and insert two R03(size AAA) batteries with andaligned correctly.CautionDo not mix old and new batteries. Never mix differenttypes of batteries (standard, alkaline, etc.).Reset the RecorderIf you observe any of the following symptoms... The front panel display is not working. The Recorder is not operating can reset the Recorder as follows: Press and hold the OPERATE button for at least fiveseconds. This will force the unit to power off.Press the OPERATE button again to turn the unitback on. Unplug the power cord, wait at least five seconds,and then plug it in again.