www.necvisualsystems.com HT410 Page 3 of 7Diagrams and Distance Charts (cont.)The following diagrams show the relationship between projector position and the screen. Refer to the chart below for data.Distances are in inches. For millimeters multiply by 25.4.Floor ConfigurationDistance charts for popular 16:9 screensMinimum Lens Shift Maximum Lens ShiftLens Ctr*Factory Preset is B(max)B(min)B(max)Throw DistanceCB(min)Diag W H wide - tele wide - teleinches inches inches inches30 26 14.6 4.9 41.5 - 49.6 6.7 - 5.655 48 27 9.0 78.2 - 93.2 6.6 - 5.560 52.5 29.5 9.9 85.7 - 102.1 6.6 - 5.573 64 36 12.0 104.9 - 124.8 6.5 - 5.582.6 72 40.5 13.5 118.3 - 140.7 6.5 - 5.592 80 45 15.0 131.6 - 156.5 6.5 - 5.5100 87 49 16.3 143.3 - 170.4 6.5 - 5.5106 92 52 17.3 151.7 - 180.3 6.5 - 5.5110 96 54 18.0 158.4 - 188.2 6.5 - 5.5119 104 58.5 19.5 171.7 - 204.0 6.5 - 5.5133 116 65 21.8 191.7 - 227.8 6.5 - 5.5161 140 79 26.3 231.8 - 275.3 6.5 - 5.5200 174 98 32.7 288.6 - 342.7 6.5 - 5.4Screen Size (16:9) CinchesαdegreesB(max)Diag W H wide - tele wide - teleinches inches inches inches30 26 14.6 12.2 41.5 - 49.6 16.4 - 13.955 48 27 22.6 78.2 - 93.2 16.1 - 13.660 52.5 29.5 24.7 85.7 - 102.1 16.1 - 13.673 64 36 30.1 104.9 - 124.8 16.0 - 13.682.6 72 40.5 33.9 118.3 - 140.7 16.0 - 13.692 80 45 37.7 131.6 - 156.5 16.0 - 13.5100 87 49 41.0 143.3 - 170.4 16.0 - 13.5106 92 52 43.3 151.7 - 180.3 15.9 - 13.5110 96 54 45.2 158.4 - 188.2 15.9 - 13.5119 104 58.5 49.0 171.7 - 204.0 15.9 - 13.5133 116 65 54.6 191.7 - 227.8 15.9 - 13.5161 140 79 65.9 231.8 - 275.3 15.9 - 13.5200 174 98 82.0 288.6 - 342.7 15.9 - 13.5Screen Size (16:9) Cinchesαdegrees