21G L O S S AR YFollowing are brief descriptions of terms and features used herein that may be unfamiliar to you. Some of the features areprogrammable options that may or may not apply to your particular system.Abort Delay - A delay period thatallows the control panel to be reset, thusaborting a report to the central station.Access Code - A code used toremotely unlock a door.Ambush Code - A special 4-digitcode entered when the user is forced todisarm. System disarms but sends asilent alarm to the central station with noindication at the keypad.Arming/Disarming - Turning thesystem on/off by entering your code atthe keypad, then pressing U.Battery - Backup power source in thecontrol-panel enclosure to provideprotection in the event of a power failure.BYPASS Button - Enables you tomanually remove one or more protectivezones from the system.Central Station - Monitors incomingreports and emergency messages from adigital communicator and notifies theproper authorities.Chime - A keypad beep whiledisarmed alerting that the programmedzone has been opened.Communicator - Reports intrusions,emergencies, openings, closings, etc.directly to the central station overtelephone lines.Control Panel - The brain of thesystem, it controls all system functions.Directory - A listing of theprogrammed zone descriptions stored inmemory. With the RP8LCD, all zone de-scriptions are stored in the keypad, notthe panel.Easy Arming - Quick arming bypressing P or Q (optional).Easy Exit - A three minute window oftime allowing a user to exit the premiseswhile the system is armed.Exit/Entry Delays - Separate delaysthat let you exit and enter your premiseswithout setting off an alarm when thesystem is armed.Instant Protection - Arming withoutentry delay by holding down STAY whenin Armed Stay mode and remaining onthe premises.Keypad - Puts control-panel functionsat your fingertips. It can be mountedanywhere in your premises.Panic Buttons - Blue buttons on thekeypad (G and 7, 8 or9). If enabled, pressing Gtogether with 7, 8 or 9 willalert the central station of a fire, auxiliary,or police emergency, respectively.Pre-Alarm Warning. - A keypadsounder alert of an impending alarm.This option is programmable by zone forthe same duration as that programmedfor Abort Delay (see Abort Delay).