EN147. IMPORTANT To improve the flavorprofile of the espresso, the temperatureof the water in the coffee boiler, andtherefore of the groups, may eventuallybe raised or lowered via the digital display(please consult Software ProgrammingManual for detailed instructions).N.B.If the machine has not been used formore than 8 hours or, in any case, afterlong periods of being idle, in order touse the machine to its full potential itis necessary to perform some cleaningcycles before brewing beverages asfollows:• Groups: with the portafilters engagedin the groups brew water through eachfor at least two minutes• Being careful to avoid burns, turn oneach steam wand for at least one minute.• Turn on the hot water valve for thetime necessary to allow 1 liter of waterto be brewed.• If using machine with water reservoir,change the water in the reservoir daily.If the machine is not going to be used forlong periods of time, it is advisable tofollow these safety indications:• Disconnect the machine from the watermains or interrupt the water connectionvia a mains tap.• Disconnect the machine from theelectrical mains.WARNINGIF THE ABOVE-MENTIONED INSTRUCTIONSARE NOT ADHERED TO THE MANUFACTURERCANNOT BE HELDRESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGETO PERSONS OR THINGS.