Safety SymbolsA CAUTION denotes a hazard. Itcalls attention to an operating pro-cedure or practice that, if not cor-rectly performed or adhered to,could result in damage to theproduct or loss of important data.Do not proceed beyond a CAUTIONnotice until the indicated condi-tions are fully understood and met.A WARNING denotes a hazard. Itcalls attention to an operating pro-cedure or practice, that, if not cor-rectly performed or adhered to,could result in personal injury ordeath. Do not proceed beyond aWARNING notice until the indi-cated conditions are fully under-stood and met.Products display the following sym-bols:The CSA mark is a registered trade-mark of the Canadian Standards Asso-ciation and indicates compliance tothe standards laid out by them. Referto the product Declaration of Confor-mity for details.Notice for European Community: Thisproduct complies with the relevantEuropean legal Directives: EMC Direc-tive (2004/108/EC) and Low VoltageDirective (2006/95/EC).The Regulatory Compliance Mark(RCM) mark is a registered trademark.This signifies compliance with the Aus-tralia EMC Framework regulationsunder the terms of the Radio Commu-nication Act of 1992.ICES/NMB-001 indicates that this ISMdevice complies with the CanadianICES-001.This symbol represents the time periodduring which no hazardous or toxicsubstance elements are expected toleak or deteriorate during normal use.Forty years is the expected useful lifeof this product.South Korean Class A EMC Declara-tion. this equipment is Class A suitablefor professional use and is for use inelectromagnetic environments outsideof the home.Waste Electrical andElectronicEquipment (WEEE)Directive2002/96/ECThis product complies with the WEEEDirective (2002/96/EC) markingrequirement. The affixed product label(see below) indicates that you must notdiscard this electrical/electronic prod-uct in domestic household waste.Product Category: With reference tothe equipment types in the WEEEdirective Annex 1, this product is clas-sified as a “Monitoring and Controlinstrumentation” product.Do not dispose in domestic householdwaste.To return unwanted products, contactyour local Keysight office, or for more information.Refer to manual foradditional safetyinformation.Earth Ground.Chassis Ground.Alternating Current (AC).Direct Current (DC).Standby Power. Unit is notcompletely disconnectedfrom AC mains whenpower switch is in standbypositionIndicates that antistaticprecautions should betaken.Operate the PXIe chassisin the horizontalorientation. Do NOToperate this chassis in thevertical orientation.v