GENERAL OPERATIONThe nominal pressure range of the meter is indicated on the label fixed to the backof the meter.When the meter is first switched on using , the top line of the display scrollsthrough the model version number, battery status, pressure units, date and time.The bottom line of the display shows a countdown number that starts at 10 andreduces to zero. At zero the meter displays two lines of data.All data can be printed via an optional infrared printer. The printed data can be'live' data, 'frozen' data or 'stored' data. 255 sets of tests can be stored in the non-volatile memory.Two lines of 20 characters can be added to the header of printouts.The meter is controlled using 8 buttons.The eight buttons are:ON/OFFPress for ON or OFF.The meter counts down from 10 after OFF is pressed.Press during this period to cancel OFF.MENUPress for MENU.ZEROPress and hold until there is a beep to ZERO the pressure reading.BACKLIGHTPress and hold until there is a beep to switch on the BACKLIGHT. Press and holdto cancel.HOLD/ PRINTPress quickly to HOLD the reading - the display flashes. Press quickly to cancelHOLD.Press for 2+ seconds to PRINT. Press again to cancel PRINT.