keraFlo aylesbury valves are unlikeany otHer Float oPerated valve, ballcockor Float 0118 921 9920 fax 0118 921 9921 reaD tHese InstructIonscarefullY anD refer to anY DIaGraMsBefore InstallatIon.InstallatIon of valves sHoulD Be InaccorDance wItH tHe water suPPlY (waterfIttInGs) reGulatIons 2010 anD Bs 8558:2011.tanks anD PIPes sHoulD Be DIsInfecteD usInGtHe ProceDures In Bs en 806-4:2010 sectIon6: coMMIssIonInG.FloatasseMblysPirit leveldiscHargeasseMblyp2 aylesbury kaX valvedroP arM asseMblyt-outletdiscHargeasseMblyonce the valve has been installed and tested, complete and apply the tank label tothe tank and send a photograph of the label in place to order to receive a full five years’ extended warranty for the valve. see warrantysheets for full details.yearextendedwarranty5keraFlo Aylesbury delayed action floatvalves contain a pair of maintenance freeceramic discs.There are rare occasions when it may be necessary topartially disassemble the valve, for example, to clear ablockage or to replace some parts.If the problem you are experiencing cannot be solved byusing a spares kit contact keraFlo or your supplier.double-r cliPdouble-r cliPvalvebodyvalvebodyFloatlink bar