INTRODUCTIONThank you for choosing the JBL TiK Sub designed to produceextended, powerful deep bass in any high performance music orhome cinema system. While created as an integral part of theacclaimed JBL TiK loudspeaker range, the TiK Sub is also fullycompatible with any make or model of high quality main/satelliteloudspeakers for state of the art stereo and surround audio.To ensure correct installation and optimum performance, pleasetake the time to thoroughly read and follow the instructions in thisowner’s manual.UNPACKINGThe packing materials are designed to protect the subwoofer fromdamage during shipment. We advise you to keep the packingmaterials for future use.PLACEMENTAlways start with the subwoofer as close to one of the front cornersas possible. It is also recommended that the subwoofer bepositioned along the same wall as the front loudspeakers. Cornerplacement provides substantial bass reinforcement. Placement awayfrom corners, near a single wall offers some reinforcement, whileplacement away from walls offers minimal bass reinforcement.If bass response is excessive, use the subwoofer’s Level control toreduce bass output. If excessive bass is limited to a few specificfrequencies, it may be necessary to modify the acoustical couplingof the subwoofer to the room boundaries and/or to the room modesby moving the subwoofer to a location which provides more evenlybalanced bass response.CONNECTIONThe TiK Sub can be connected to your audio system using eitherline level or speaker level connections. Do not use both at the sametime. If available, use line level connection.The TiK Sub also includes a special balanced XLR DSP In. Thisconnection may be used (with the Input Select switch not pressedin) as a conventional balanced connection, if your receiver/amplifierhas a balanced subwoofer output. With the Input Select switchpressed in, this socket may only be used to connect the subwooferto a JBL TiK Master Sub.Note: The push-button controls on the rear of the subwoofer arerecessed into the rear panel to prevent accidentally activating anunwanted function. To push a button, use a small pointed objectsuch as a pencil, screwdriver, etc.JBL TiK Sub Owner’s ManualENGLISH