03JBL GTO Series subwoofersare available in two differentconfigurations: as a single 2-ohmvoice coil or as dual 2-ohm voicecoils. Depending on the amplifiersyou are using, you may use eithersingle-voice coil or dual-voice coilsubwoofers in singles or multiplesto maximize the power availablefrom your amplifiers. To achievethe maximum amplifier outputpossible, you should design aspeaker system that providesthe lowest impedance thatyour amplifier is rated to drivesafely. When designing asubwoofer system, considerthe following rules:1. Don’t mix different subwooferor enclosure types in the samesystem (use all single-coilwoofers or all dual-coil woofers).2. You may connect the coils of adual-voice coil woofer in series,but we recommend that youavoid connecting separatewoofers in series. The amplifier-damping factor (the amplifier’sability to control the motion ofthe woofer) is expressed as aratio of terminal impedance(the sum of speaker impedance,wire resistance and the D.C.resistance of any crossover coilconnected to the woofer) toamplifier-output impedance.Therefore, connecting separatewoofers in series reduces thedamping factor of the amplifierto a value less than 1. This willresult in poor transient response.3. You must use both coils of adual-voice coil woofer connectedeither in series or in parallel.4. Most amplifiers deliver exactlythe same amount of powerbridged into a 4-ohm loadas they do running a 2-ohmstereo load.To design a subwoofer systemthat maximizes available amplifierpower, keep the following rulesin mind:1. The total system impedanceof woofers in parallel can becalculated using the formula:Impedance = 11 + 1 + 1 . . .w1 w2 w3where w is the nominalimpedance of the woofer.2. The total system impedanceof voice coils (or woofers) inseries can be calculated usingthe formula:Impedance = w1 + w2 + w3 . . .The diagrams at right show paralleland series speaker connections.Figure 1. Parallel connectionPOS ( + )NEG ( – )REDSTRIPEPOS ( + )BLACKSTRIPENEG ( – )Figure 2. Series connectionPOS ( + ) NEG ( – )REDSTRIPEPOS ( + )BLACKSTRIPENEG ( – )Connecting Your Subwoofer to Your Amplifier JBL GTO Series