The enclosure may be cleaned using a soft cloth to removefingerprints or to wipe off dust.The grille may be gently vacuumed. Stains may be removed with anaerosol cleaner, following its instructions. Do not use any solventson the grille.All wiring connections should be inspected and cleaned or remadeperiodically. The frequency of maintenance depends on the metalsinvolved in the connections, atmospheric conditions, and otherfactors, but once per year is the minimum.If a problem occurs, make sure that all connections are properlymade and clean. If a problem exists in one loudspeaker, reverse theconnection wires to the left and right system. If the problem remainsin the same speaker, then the fault is with the loud-speaker. If theproblem appears in the opposite speaker, the cause is in anothercomponent or cable. In the event that your subwoofer ever needsservice, contact your local JBL dealer or distributor or www.jbl.comfor a service center near you.MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE