1 MOUNT SPOUT ASSEMBLYTurn off hot and cold watersupplies before beginning.CAUTIONROUGHING-INDIMENSIONSAdjustable WrenchChannel LocksTOOLS REQUIREDTubing CutterNOTE: MOUNTING HOLESARE 1-1/4" D.456Install O-RING (2) into SPOUT ESCUTCHEON BASE (3). Insert SPOUT SHANK (1)through center mounting hole on tub or mounting surface.Remove the MOUNTING AND TEE ASSEMBLIES (7) from SPOUT SHANK (1). Figure 1b.Assemble RUBBER WASHER (4), FIBER WASHER (5) and LOCKNUT (6) ontothreads of SPOUT SHANK (1) from underside of mounting surface. Align SPOUTand tighten LOCKNUT (6) to secure spout assembly. Figure 1c.Note: All deck mounted Roman tub sets must be installed with thetub spout outlet at least two (2) inches above the flood level rim ofthe tub. See Figure 1a.1237116191022ATEE AND HOSE ASSEMBLYHAND SHOWER ASSEMBLYNote: Back flow prevention and 2.2 GPMflow restrictions are included with allRoman tub sets with hand showerPush one RING WASHER (1) and one 0-RING (2) onto end of SPOUT SHANK (3).Slide the TEE (4) onto SPOUT SHANK (3) until it makes contact with the0-RING (2). Push the other 0-RING (2) and RING WASHER (1) onto theSPOUT SHANK (3). Make sure both 0-RINGS (2) are seated intogrooves of TEE (4).Thread LOCK NUT (5) onto SHANK (3). Rotate TEE (4) about10 degrees from center and tighten LOCK NUT (5) securely.Insert FIBER WASHERS (6) into COUPLING NUTS (7) of SUPPLYHOSES (8) and tighten COUPLING NUTS (7).Thread HOSE ADAPTER (9) onto end of SPOUT SHANK (3) andtighten.Install O-RING (12) into recess of SPRAY HOLDER (10).Drop SPRAY HOLDER (10) into the fourth hole of themounting ledge (12" max from SPOUT center). InstallRUBBER WASHER (13), FIBER WASHER (14) andLOCKNUT (15) from underside of mounting ledge.Secure SPRAY HOLDER (10) by tightening LOCKNUT (15).Install SEAL WASHER (16) and connect COUPLING NUT (17)of BRAIDED HOSE to outlet nipple at the bottom ofBACKFLOW PREVENTER (9). Tighten firmly.Slip SHOWER HOSE (18) with HOSE NIPPLE (20)through SPRAY HOLDER (10).Install SEAL (21) into COUPLING NUT (19). ConnectCOUPLING NUT (19) to HOSE NIPPLE (20) and tighten.INSTALL second SEAL (16) and connect HANDSHOWER (22) to SPRAY HOSE END (11). Hand tighten.2215661 34916 2117GROOVEIN TEEGROOVE IN TEEBRAIDEDHOSE10˚7788FRONT131415122018192211H 9 6 5 5 7 9 H 9 6 5 5 7 94"- 6"(101mm-152mm)4"- 6"(101mm-152mm)1-7/8" MAX.(48mm)9"(228mm)2-3/8"D.(60mm)1-3/8"D.(35mm)2-3/8" MAX.(60mm)G 3/4"2" MAX.(51mm)12" MAX.(305mm)G 3/4"7-7/8"(200mm)5-1/8"(130mm)8-1/2"(216mm)3/4" NPTG 3/4"G 1/2"Figure 1aFigure 1bFigure 1cDECK MOUNTBATHRIMBATHRIMMOUNTINGSURFACETWO (2) INCHESMINIMUMTUB MOUNTTWO (2) INCHESMINIMUMCOLD11 123 INSTALL VALVE BODIES AND HANDLES10HOSE CONNECTIONSInsert VALVE BODY (3) through mounting hole from undersideof tub deck or mounting surface.Note: Maximum mounting thickness is 1-1/4".Install O-RING (9) into groove in FLANGE (4).Thread FLANGE (4) onto VALVE BODY (3) until tight againststop washer.Align VALVE BODY (3) as shown and from below tightenLOCKNUT (5) to secure the VALVE BODY (3) to themounting surface.Install O-RING (13) into under side of HANDLE BASE (2). TurnVALVES (3) to off position. Align HANDLES (1) as shown or asdesired. Thread HANDLE BASE (2) until tightly seated againstFLANGE (4).Insert FIBER WASHERS (10) into COUPLING NUTS (11) of SUPPLYHOSES (12). Tighten COUPLING NUTS (11) to make a water tightconnection.Important: Loop SUPPLY HOSES (12) as illustratedso they do not kink if necessary.1 23HOT84139567JADO1-1/4'' MAX.(44mm)MOUNTINGSURFACEUnpack valve assemblies and remove HANDLE (1) by unthreadingHANDLE BASE (2) from VALVE BODIES (3). Unthread FLANGES (4)from VALVE BODIES (3).Thread LOCKNUT (5) to bottom of VALVE BODY (3). Make sureSPACER (6), BRASS WASHER (7) and RUBBER WASHER (8) areinstalled in that order.3/4" NPTTeflon Tape