3Source Login Required NotesiHeartRadio™ Contains the following sub-folders linked from your account: “My Favorites”, “RecentlyPlayed”, “Live Radio”, and “Shows & Personalities.”Pandora Contains two sub-folders: “By Date” and “A-Z.”Rhapsody Contains six sub-folders: “Genres”, “New Releases”, “Charts”, “Rhapsody Radio”,“Features Playlists”, and “My Music.”SiriusXM Contains different genres.TuneIn N/A Contains several subfolders populated by the TuneIn server.Local Music N/A Music populated from the smart device using the HEOS App or Tuxedo using anexternal hard drive or USB dongle.NOTE: This option is enabled in the HEOS App Settings > Advanced Settings >Music Sharing.Playlists N/A Populates the playlists created from the HEOS App or Tuxedo. It creates sub-foldersrepresenting those lists. Select the desired folder to view the songs assigned to theplaylist.History N/A Populates the history and has two sub-folders: “Tracks” and “Stations.”AUX Inputs N/A Allows playback from the 3.5mm cable connected from the smart device to the HEOSdevice or the USB input.NOTE: The USB input relies on the synchronization of the files using the app. If theUSB input is selected on the Tuxedo and no files are shown, use the app to verify thefiles have synchronized to the HEOS device.Favorites N/A Populates the favorite stations or music created using the HEOS App or Tuxedo.NOTE: Prevents scrolling through the different music sources to reach the favoritestation.S ELECTING MUSIC S OURCES FOR R OOMSAssigning different sources for different rooms.Press ROOMS > select the desired audio player > MUSIC > select the desired MUSIC SOURCE.NOTES:• Rooms are a single or group of audio devices. They are configured using the HEOS App. (Tuxedo will populate theroom once created.)• The selected music source designated for the room chosen will broadcast that music source.• Defining rooms using the app provides the ability to broadcast different music sources to selected rooms. Each roomcan have a single or multiple speakers assigned to it. Example: Room one can broadcast Pandora, while room twocan broadcast Rhapsody.CREATING S CENESThe system can automatically activate “Audio” features when certain events (triggers) occur.Audio ActionsOption DefinitionSelect Speaker Press the drop down box and select the speaker (room).Select Action Play, Pause, and Volume options.NOTE: If volume option is not set, it will use the last setting of the device.Select Music Source• ProgrammedPlayed media queued in the speaker (what was previously streaming).NOTE: Pandora “stations” must be added using the HEOS App (using the “Add NewStation” option), Pandora App or through a browser before they will populate on theTuxedo.• Random Local sources only, all songs will be taken from the source randomly.• Play media queued in the speaker Plays the current media selected upon last session• Browse the media source Plays music source selected. Press Browse, then choose the source.NOTES• Follow the Installation or User Guide instructions for programming scenes, below are the new audio actions.• Scenes created in the Tuxedo will not execute immediately after reboot due to the synchronization between the keypadand speaker is not complete.• If the user has two keypads and each one is logged in to different account on each.a. If the user logs out from their HEOS account on one of the keypads, the device will log both accounts out. (This is asdesigned by Denon.)b. Logging out of both accounts prevents the scenes from running, so the HEOS will not recognize the command whenthe trigger is activated.c. The user must log back into their HEOS account in order for the trigger to activate the “room” or “speaker.”