AQ250 SERIES HYDRONIC CONTROL PANELS15 68-0306—05Table 2. AQ15000B Control Module DIP switch arrangementZoning Module DIP Switch SettingsA chart of the different settings for each DIP switch is attachedto the inside of each DIP switch cover.Refer to Table 3 on page 16, and check all DIP switch settings.If necessary, change the switch settings to suit the desiredoperation of the hydronic installation.NOTES:1. To set DIP switches 1 through 4, which identify theunique address of each zone on the AQUATROLnetwork):Refer to the descriptions in Table 3 for the correctDIP switch settings for the Pump or Valve ZoningModule.Unpredictable zone behavior may occur if morethan one Zoning Module has DIP switches (1-4)set to the same address.2. DIP Switch 5 enables or disables ZoneSynchronization:• The factory setting disables Zone Synchronization,which is an energy saving feature of the AQ2000panels. Zone Synchronization coordinates zonedemands to start at the same time when the boilercycle begins. The AQ2000 functions as activatingvalves. The valve logic induces a delay beforeactivating the boiler pump even when zone pumpsare used. When Zone Synchronization is notselected, the zone demands are served wheneverthey call for heat.• The Zone Synchronization feature replaces thepump/valve selection of previous AQ2000 versions.3. 4. DIP Switch 8 functionality:• The factory setting enables 1-stage per zonethermostat. The zoning module operates as four 1-stage zones.• When using a 2-stage thermostat, set DIP switch 8to 2-Stg. The 2-stage selection uses TH1 and TH2inputs for 2-stage thermostat control. For theselected zone, TH1 is the first stage input from thethermostat and TH2 is the second stage input.Inputs TH3 and TH4 operate in same manner. The2-stage selection reduces the zoning module to a 2zone module from a 4 zone module.• When using digital 2-stage thermostats (nonAQ1000 thermostats), the system set-up processchanges slightly. During system set-up, create anartificial demand on the zoning module byincreasing the set point on the thermostat. Theartificial demand is required during the PRI/SECsetup menu to select the primary and secondaryloop for each zone and stage.Review the settings of all DIP switches for each Zoning Moduleconnected to an AQ15000B, to ensure they are correct beforesystem start-up.When you finish setting the DIP switches for all the ZoningModules, replace the cover of each Expansion Zoning Panel.NOTE: The snap-on DIP switch covers are designed so theycannot be removed (exposing the DIP switches)when the front cover of the AQ250 Control Panel is inplace.DIP Switch Switch Description Label and Factory SettingsDHW1 DHW Device: Pump or Valve2 DHW Priority: Off or Priority3 DHW Priority Override: Off or O/Ride (override)4 Boiler post purge location: Off = zones only; Purge = DHW tank first, then zonesAux. 5 Aux output: Main = default; Group = group pump6 Aux output: Main = default; Bypass = boiler bypass pumpMass 7 Load Mass: Lo = Low mass (baseboard); Hi = High mass (radiant slab)8 Not used at this timeTestDiagnosticTestDiagnosticM29043ON1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8M23719AAQ15000B