13ATTACHING THE LAT BAR, ROW BAR, OR NYLONSTRAP TO THE LOW PULLEY STATIONAttach the Lat Bar (21) to the Cable (35) with a CableClip (38). For some exercises, the Chain (37) shouldbe attached between the Lat Bar and the Cable withtwo Cable Clips. Adjust the length of the Chainbetween the Lat Bar and the Cable so the Lat Baris in the correct starting position for the exerciseto be performed.The Nylon Strap (66) and Row Bar (31) can beattached in the same manner.ATTACHING THE LEG LEVER TO THE LOWPULLEY STATIONTo use the Leg Lever (12), the seat must be attachedto the front upright (see SEAT ADJUSTMENT below).Attach the Cable (35) with a Cable Clip (38) to theEyebolt (53). Always remove the Cable (35) fromthe Eyebolt (53) before removing the seat.SEAT ADJUSTMENTThe Seat Frame (13) can be set at three differentheights. To move the Seat Frame, turn the Lock Knob(28) counterclockwise until it turns freely. Pull theLock Knob and hold it. Lift the Seat Frame and moveit to on one of the other pins in the Frame (2). Be surethe Seat Frame is securely on the pins. Release theLock Knob. Turn the Lock Knob clockwise until it isfirmly tightened.For some exercises the Seat Frame (13) must beremoved. Turn the Lock Knob (28) counterclockwiseuntil it turns freely. Pull the Lock Knob and hold it. Liftthe Seat Frame (36) and set it aside. Always discon-nect the Cable (35) before removing the SeatFrame.To reattach the Seat Frame (13), turn the Lock Knob(28) counterclockwise until it turns freely. Pull theLock Knob and hold it. Rest the Seat Frame (36) onone of the pins in the Frame (2). Release the LockKnob. Turn the Lock Knob clockwise until it is firmlytightened.282133538125335376638352131