HARGROVE M ANUFACTURING CORPORATIONS AFETY PILOT CONTROL TROUBLE S HOOTING G UIDEPOSSIBLE CAUSES:1) Nature of Trouble: Pilot light won't light.1a) Gas supply off.1b) Air in line.1c) Kink in line.2) Nature of Trouble: Pilot light won't stay lit after releasing knob.2a) Line from thermocouple is notmaking good contact with valve.2b) Pilot light flame is too strong andblows itself out.2c) Pilot light flame is too low anddoes not transmit enough electricity topilot valve.2d) Pilot light flame hitsthermocouple too close to cold junction.2e) Bad thermocouple.3) Nature of Trouble: Pilot light goes out after being lit.3a) Down drafts blowing out flame.3b) Pilot light flame is too strong andblows itself out.3c) Pilot light flame is too low anddoes not transmit enough electricity topilot valve.3d) Pilot light flame hitsthermocouple too close to cold junction.4) Nature of Trouble: Pilot light is noisy.4a) Pilot light flame is too strong.CORRECTIVE ACTIONS1a) Turn gas supply on.1b) Bleed gas through ember burner until all the air is out of theline. Bleeding through the pilot burner is not effective.1c) Straighten the tubing and assure there are no cracks in thetubing, or replace the tubing.2a) Tighten fitting that connects thermocouple line to the pilotcontrol valve.2b) Adjust the flame on the pilot burner in accordance with thepilot control instructions, or replace the pilot orifice with a largerorifice.2c) Adjust the flame on the pilot burner in accordance with thepilot control instructions, or replace the pilot orifice with a largerone.2d) A cold junction is located on the lower 1/3 of thethermocouple. The pilot light flame must hit only the top 1/4 of thethermocouple or the cold junction will overheat and shut thesystem off.2e) Replace the thermocouple. This is unlikely on a new set asall thermocouples have been factory tested before shipping.3a) Correct chimney down draft problems.3b) Adjust the flame on the pilot burner in accordance with thepilot control instructions, or replace the pilot orifice with a largerorifice.3c) Adjust the flame on the pilot burner in accordance with thepilot control instructions, or replace the pilot orifice with a largerone.3d) A cold junction is located on the lower 1/3 of thethermocouple. The pilot light flame must hit only the top 1/4 of thethermocouple or the cold junction will over heat and shut thesystem down.4a) Adjust the flame on the pilot burner in accordance with thepilot control instructions, or replace the pilot orifice with a largerorifice.