EnglishPARTS AND FEATURESthermos tat for fridge thermos tat for freezerpower onindic atorupperfridgeupperfreezerF as t freezerpic ture 1 pic ture 2152345Temperature Control AdjustmentNotice:Your freezer will automatically maintain the temperature level you select,thetemperature control dial has 6 settings range from 1 to 6.1 is warmest,6 isthe coldest.The drawer section could be used indepently only when the white swith is set aspicture 1 and the thermosat for fridge set at 0.Check the thermosat control setting before plugging the unit, frequent set changeare not recommeded during daily usage.Temperature should be below -15℃ in the drawer section.Temperature should be 0-10℃ in the upper cabinet when set as picture 1.Temperature should be below -18℃ in the upper cabinet when set as picture 2.Thermostat for fridgeWhen top cabinet would function as refrigetator,the temperature of the top cabinet could beadjusted by flipping this knob,we recommenddialing it to 2 or 3 for normal use.When it is set at 4 to 6, the top cabinettemperature could below 0℃.When it is set at 0, top cabinet would stopfunctioning.Powe on indicatorLight would turn green when power is on.White switchWhen switch is set as picture 1, top cabinetwould function as refrigetator, when it is set aspicture 2, it function as a freezer.Thermostat for freezerWhen top cabinet would function as freezer,thetemperature of top cabinet and the drawer sectioncould be adjusted by flipping this knob,werecommend dialing it to 4 or 6 for normal use.Appropriate set is 4 for summer when ambient temperature is higher.Appropriate set is 6 for winter when ambient temperature is lower.When knob is set at 0,the whole freezer would be turned off, aviod setting at 0when using.Fast freezer switch is used for fast freeze food,turn off the fast freeze fetureonce food has reached desired temperature.