美工丝印图VER :SHEET : 1 OF 1DWG NO . :PART NO . :SCALE : 1 :1SIZE :MODEL :TITLE :APPRD :CHECKED 2 :CHECKED 1 :DESIGN :姚灵LE32F2220-MG04-024021Q320507LE32F2220能耗贴纸QR-RD-015BSHENZHEN MTC CO.,LTDFederal lawprohibits removalof this label beforeconsumer purchase.Estimated YearlyEnergy CostCost Range ofSimilar Models(30" - 34")$10$25TelevisionHaierModel LE32F2220Based on 11 cents per kWhand 5 hours per day useEstimated yearly electricityuse of this model: 91kWhYour cost depends onyour utility rates and use.Visit ftc.gov/energy美工丝印图1)材质:PET+OPP可移动彩色贴纸,低粘度胶,撕下无胶痕!2)贴纸颜色:黄 yellow,印刷内容:黑色 black3)尺寸 115x115mm,一式一联。4)背面刀模确保中间是切开的。5)贴在面板右下角如图,撕去1部分,保留2部分。卷料.12背面刀模Federal lawprohibits removalof this label beforeconsumer purchase.Estimated YearlyEnergy CostCost Range ofSimilar Models(21" - 23")$10$13$4TelevisionHaierModel LE32F2220Based on 11 cents per kWhand 5 hours per day useEstimated yearly electricityuse of this model: 91kWhYour cost depends onyour utility rates and use.Visit ftc.gov/energy$11