1EnglishIIMMPPOORRTTAANNTT SSAAFFEEGGUUAARRDDSSWWhheenn uussiinngg tthhiiss aapppplliiaannccee,, aallwwaayyss eexxeerrcciissee bbaassiicc ssaaffeettyy pprree--ccaauuttiioonnss,, iinncclluuddiinngg tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg::1) Read all of the instructions before using this appliance.2) This wine cellar must be properly installed in accordance with theinstallation instructions before it is used. See grounding instructions inthe installation section.3) Never unplug your wine cellar by pulling on the power cord. Alwaysgrasp the plug firmly and pull straight out from the outlet.4) Repair or replace immediately, all electric service cords that havebecome frayed or otherwise damaged. Do not use a cord that showscracks or abrasion damage along its length, the plug or the connectorend.5) Unplug your wine cellar before cleaning or before making any repairs.Note: If for any reason this product requires service, we stronglyrecommend that a certified technician performs the service.6) If your wine cellar is not being used, we recommend that you removethe door and leave the shelves in place. This will reduce the possibilityof danger to children.7) This wine cellar should not be recessed or built-in an enclosed cabinet.It is designed for freestanding installation only.8) Do not operate your wine cellar in the presence of explosive fumes.9) Do not store foods in wine cellar as interior temperature may not becool enough to prevent spoilage.SSAAVVEE TTHHEESSEE IINNSSTTRRUUCCTTIIOONNSSDDAANNGGEERRRRiisskk ooff cchhiilldd eennttrraappmmeenntt.. BBeeffoorree yyoouu tthhrrooww aawwaayy yyoouurr oollddaapppplliiaannccee,,ttaakkee ooffff tthhee ddoooorrss.. LLeeaavvee tthhee sshheellvveess iinn ppllaaccee ssoo tthhaatt cchhiillddrreennmmaayy nnoott eeaassiillyy cclliimmbb iinnssiiddee..