Training Bulletin TB16-18August 2018Bake and Broil operations shut down when temperaturereaches approximately 250F.Front Control Gas Ranges1continued…Models affected:CGS986EEL, CGS986SEL, C2S986SEL, CHS985SEL, PGS930BEL,PGS930FEL, PGS930SEL, P2S930SELSerial numbers: AllRepair Procedure:1. Cycle power to range. Press and hold ‘2’ and ‘Broil’ simultaneously for three seconds toenter Fault Retrieval Mode. Press ‘1’ to display stored faults. Fault code F350 or F352will likely be displayed. This indicates the ERC has detected that the cooling fan blowerwheel is not turning, or turning too slowly.2. Enter the ERC’s Test Mode by pressing and holding ‘1’ and ‘Broil’ for three seconds.Pulse the cooling blower at low speed by pressing ‘3’. If blower wheel, which is visiblethrough the vent trim at rear of maintop, fails to turn, service is required.3. DISCONNECT POWER. (LOTO) Remove:• Grates and top burners (if so equipped)• Rear spacer-to-wall trim• RJ45 connector from square holein upper corner of rear wire coverwith a flat screwdriver• Backguard complement strip andupper rear wire cover• Vent trim• Maintop• Fan motor spill guard to access the motor’s electrical connections (see pictureabove)If the selected bake or broil function operates briefly, then shuts down, the problem is notlikely with the ERC. A problem may exist with the cooling blower motor or the motor wiring.