www.gateway.com23You can use the scroll wheel on the mouse to move througha document. This feature is not available in all programs.For more information about how to adjust the double-clickspeed, pointer speed, right-hand or left-hand configuration,and other mouse settings, see the “Customizing” chapter inyour online User Guide. For instructions on how to clean themouse, see “Cleaning the mouse” on page 87.To... Do this...Move thepointer on thecomputerdisplayMove the mouse around. If youreach the edge of your mousepad and need to move themouse farther, lift the mouseand place it in the middle of themouse pad, then continuemoving the mouse.Select an objecton the computerdisplayPosition the pointer over theobject. Quickly press andrelease the left mouse button.This is called clicking.Start a programor open a file orfolderPosition the pointer over theobject. Quickly press andrelease the left mouse buttontwice. This is calleddouble-clicking.Access ashortcut menuor find moreinformationabout an objecton the display.Position the pointer over theobject. Quickly press andrelease the right mouse buttononce. This is calledright-clicking.Move an objecton the computerdisplay.Position the pointer over theobject. Press the left mousebutton and hold it down. Move(drag) the object to theappropriate part of thecomputer display. Release thebutton to drop the objectwhere you want it. This is calledclicking and dragging.