Appendix C. SpecificationsC-2DGPS (USCG/RTCM)Position: 3-5 meters, 95% typicalVelocity: 0.1 knot RMS steady stateDGPS (WAAS)Position: Less than 3 metersVelocity: 0.1 knot RMS steady statePPS Time: ±1 microsecond at rising edge of PPS pulse (subject toSelective Availability)Dynamics: 999 knots velocity (limited above 60,000 feet, 6g dynamics)InterfacesTrue RS232 output, asynchronous serial input compatible with RS-232 or TTLvoltage levels, RS-232 polarity. Selectable baud rates (300, 600, 1200, 2400,4800, 9600, 19200)Port 1NMEA 0183 version 2.00 and 3.00ASCII output sentences GPALM, GPGGA, GPGLL, GPGSA, GPGSV,GPRMC, GPVTG; Garmin proprietary sentences PGRMB, PGRME, PGRMF,PGRMM, PGRMT, PGRMVNMEA 0183 Output:Position, velocity and timeReceiver and satellite statusDifferential Reference Station ID and RTCM Data ageGeometry and error estimatesNMEA 0183 Inputs:Initial position, data and time (not required)Earth datum and differential mode configuration command, PPS Eanble, GPSsatellite almanacConfigurable for binary data output including GPS carrier phase dataPort 2Real Time Differential Correction input (RTCM SC-104 messages types 1, 3,3, 7 and 9), no outputPPS1 Hz pulse, programmable width, 1 microsecond accuracyPower ControlOff: Open circuitOn: Ground or pull to low logic level < 0.3 voltsEnvironmental CharacteristicsTemperature: -30°C to +80°C operational, -40°C to +80°C storage