INSTRUCTION 6414REVISED 6/20/18Page 2 of 4GAMMON TECHNICAL PRODUCTS, INC.INSTRUCTIONS: INSTALLATION AND OPERATIONONE-CC WATER PROBEGTP-93302. Make an electrical connection to theL-type conduit body mounted on theside of the GTP-9330 probeassembly.3. Connect the black wire from theGTP-9330 probe to a ground wireusing a wire nut. The yellow wireconnects to the intrinsically safepower wire.Note: The IS relay may be wired by theinstaller to the deadman system to stopfuel flow, provide an audible warning,and/or provide a visual signal such as ared light labeled “water in sump.”OPERATIONThe GTP-9330 will constantly monitor for presence of water. Function of the probe can be testedusing the following procedure while the fuel system is in operation.1. Remove the large gold-coloredaluminum cap from the probehousing. This causes the internalmechanism to shift into the testposition.2. The test water injection pump hastwo sections; a cylinder and piston.Rotate both sections together ¼ turncounterclockwise and then pull toremove the entire pump assembly.