page 2Solar lamp location:For optimum light durationthroughout the night, it isimportant to place your solarlamp in a spot where it will receivethe maximum amount of directsunlight throughout the day.make sure the solar panel is notgoing to be affected by any otherlight source at night. otherwisethe light will not turn on at dusk.For best results, the solar lamppost must be charged for twosunny days in the “on” (high orlow) position (Fig. 1)thank you for your purchase. GAMA SONIC® solar charged lights are brighter and last allnight with a full day solar charge. Unique designs, superior light output, and numerousinstallation options confirm the outstanding value of our product.For technical assistance and more information call our Toll-Free number:800-835-4113 (only within the US)Orvisit our website or download the latest version of your instruction Or read the instruction manual carefully to obtain the best results from your purchase.WARNING: GAMA SONIC® Light bulbsare not to be used in other electricalsockets these are low-voltage lightbulbs that are built and designed for ourproducts only!NOTE: If you are replacing anexisting gas/electric post light, youmust consult a certified technicianto cancel them before installation.