IMPORTANTSAFETYINFORMATION.READALLINSTRUCTIONSBEFOREUSING.ii_?iiiii!+++;;iii!liiWARNING!For your safety the information in this manual must befoflowed to minimize the risk of fire or explosion, electricshock, or to prevent property damage, personal injury,or loss of life.PRECAUTIONSTOAVOIDPOSSIBLEEXPOSURETOEXCESSIVEMICROWAVEENERGY_: Do Not Attempt to operatethis ()\ell with the door openSill((' op('//-dooF op('l_Hioll(an r('suh in hm:mflfle×posure to lHi( rOW_lV('energ}. It is important notto (te_('_t or umlper _itl/the s_d(,tv intcrhxks._: Do Not Place any objectb('tw('('H th(' o\('11 [_'()111{il(e and tl/e door or allowsoil or cleaner residue tot_((umulate on setdingSt t FJitC('S+Do Not Operate the o\'('n if itis damag('d. It is particuladyimportam that the oven door(lose propcrb+ _and that tile)'('is no damage to thc:(,oo1(,is,.>.h.lg(+.,l(__..h(+.........................(broken or loosened),(.,o1-s(++,_+.lids(+.,,l+.........................Stll?t_t( (!S+The Oven Should Not bea(!j usted or repaired byqu_difi('d s('r\'i((" t)er.',oml('l.SAFETYPRECAUTIONSWhen using electrical appfiances, basic safetyprecautions should be foflowed, including the foflowing:J} Re_d an(I i()llow tl)e i_: Install or lo(_te thisspecific precautions illthe Precautions to AvoidPossible Exposure toExcessive MicrowaveEnergy se(doH above.J} This t_t)pli_ul( e must begrounded. Conne(t onlyto _ t)ropcrly groundedoutlet. See the GroundingInstFuctZons Se(tiOl/ Oilpage 8.appliance only inaccordance with tilet)rovided [nstMlationh/swtl( tl()l/S.i;i; This l/li(row_l_e ()veil isintended/or household useml(t is UI listed lbrinstallation over elc(-tri(and g_s rmlges.ii:: This microwave oven isnot approved or tested/ormarine use.