IMPORTANTSAFETYINSTRUCTIONSREADALLINSTRUCTIONSBEFOREUS/NGiiiiiiiii;iii/iiiiiiiiii!/iiiiiiiiiii_iNiii_iiiiil_ii_WARNING!Toreduce the risk of burns, electric shock, fire, injuryto persons, or exposure to excessive microwave energFPRECAUTIONSTOAVOIDPOSSIBLEEXPOSURETOEXCESSIVEMICROWAVEENERGY[o Not Attempt to operatethis oven with the door opensince open operationcan result in harmflllexposure to nlicrowitvcenerg_ 5 It is important notto detcat or tamper withtile sate b inmrlocks.Oo Not Place any obiectbetween the oven fl'onttilce and the door or allowsoil or cleaner residue toaccumulam on sealingSllrJ{lces.Be Not Operate the oven if itis damaged. It is particularlyimportant that tile oven doorclose properly and that thereis no damag_ to the:doo_(,_ent>,::_ii hinges and latches(broken or loosened),door seals and sealing::::::::::::::::::::::::::snrJilces.The Oven Shon/d Not beadiusted or repaired byanyone except properlyqualified service personnel.SAFETYPRECAUTIONSWhen using electrical appfiances, basic safetyprecautions should be followed, including the foflowing:Read and fi)llow the Install or locate thisspecific precautions inthe Precautions to AvoidPossible Exposure toExcessive Microwa veEnergy section above.This appliance must begrounded. Connect onlyto a properly groundedoutlet. See the Grounding[nstructions section onpage 8.appliance only inaccordance with theprovided InstallationInstructions.This microwave oven isintended %r household useand is UL listed fi)rinstallation over electricand gas ranges.This microwave oven isnot approved or tested fi)rn/_lrine use.SAVETHESEINSTRUCTIONS