vvww.GEAppliances.comWrong'Note: Flat-bottomed canners arerequired for glass cooktops.Observe the Following Points in CanningWhe0_ cm_ m_im_gwit]] wate>bad_ orpressm'e cam_m_er.]arge_diameter potsmay be I_sed. This is because boi]im_gwater tempe);_tm'es (even imderpressm'e) are tier harmfll] to thecooktop sm'{;_ces SmTolmdim_g t]_esm'{i_ce Im]ts.HOWEVER, DO NOT LJSE lARGE-DIAMETER CANNERS OR OTHERI JkRGE-DIAMETER POTS FORFRVI NG OR BOII,iNG FOODSOTHER THAN WATER. Most syrup orsmxce mixtures--amid a]] b'pes off_'}_m_g--cook at tempe_tm'es ml_.chhigher tham_ ]boi]im_g ware): S_uchtempemtm'es col_]d eventually harmthe glass cooktop sm'ti_ces.] Be sm'e the cm_m_er {its over theten ter of the sm'ii_ce Imit. If veto"cooktop Or its ]ocatio)m? does m?o)ta]]o_ the cam)er to be ce])teredom_the sm'S_ce m_it, use smalle>diameter pots fin" good cm/m/im/gresl_]ts.] F]abbottomed cam_ers ml0st beiose(]. Do m)t lose cam/m/e]s _,_l[[hfkmged or x]pp]ed bottoms (oftenfblmd im_ emm_e]ware) becal*sethey don't make enoug]) co0?tactwith the sm'fi_ce Imits amid take a]omg time to boil water.[] \'_hen cm_[_)g, lose recipes m_dprocedures item rei:mtab]esom'ces. Reliable recipes a_]dprocedm'es are available {}'ore themam*lt_cmrer of yore" ca_er;mam_{_0ctm'ers of g]ass.iars forcam)i_g, such as Ba]] a_d Kerrbra0_d; a_d the [ ]_ited StatesDepa rtm e0_ t of Agricld tm'eExte_sio_ Service.[] Remember that cml_li_]g is aprocess that _ge_ei'ates ]']]'<,e,am(olmts of steam. To) avoid blitzesf_'om steam or ])eat, be carefll]whe0? cam?h?g.NOTE: If your house has low voltage,canning may take longer than expected,even though directions have beencarefully foflowed. The process time willbe shortened by:(1) using a pressure canner, and(2) starting with HOTtap water for fastestheating of large quantities of wate,:CAU_O_Safe canning requires that harmfulmicroorganisms are destroyed and thatthe jars are sealed completely. Whencanning foods in a water-bath canner,a gentle but steady boil must bemaintained for the required time. Whencanning foods in a pressure canner, thepressure must be maintained for therequired time.After you have adjusted the controls,it is very important to make sure theprescribed boil or pressure levels aremaintained for the required time.Since you must make sure to processthe canning jars for the prescribedtime, with no interruption in processingtime, do not can on any cooktopsurface unit ff your canner is not flat.17