Aeroquip FT1360 Crimp Machine Operator’s Manual2 | © Danfoss | Aeroquip FT1360 Crimp Machine Operator’s Manual | 2023.06.AQ453358079899en-010101WarningAeroquip fitting tolerances are engineered to match Aeroquiphose tolerances. The use of Aeroquip fittings on hose supplied byother manufacturers and/or the use of Aeroquip hose with fittingssupplied by other manufacturers may result in the production ofunreliable and unsafe hose assemblies and is neither recommendednor authorized by Aeroquip.Failure to follow Aeroquip process and product instructions andlimitations could lead to premature hose assembly failures resultingin property damage, serious injury or death.The user must exercise extreme care when operating any Aeroquipassembly equipment with powered moving components. Safetyglasses must be worn at all times when using any Aeroquipassembly equipment.Read and understand the owners and operators manual beforeattempting to operate any equipment.Danfoss hereby disclaims any obligation or liability (includingincidental and consequential damages) arising from breach ofcontract, warranty, or tort (under negligence or strict liabilitytheories) should Aeroquip hose, fittings or assembly equipmentbe used with the hose, fittings or assembly equipment supplied byanother manufacturer or in the event that product instructions foreach specified hose assembly are not followed.