21CONDITION CHECKCheck continuity ofmagnetronDefectivemagnetron.RESULTNocontinuityCAUSE REMEDYReplaceOutlet haspropervoltagefuse does notblow? Check continuity of noise filterboardDefective linefilter boardNocontinuity ReplaceCheck continuity ofpower supply cordDefective touchcontrol circuit ReplaceOpen powersupply cordNocontinuityNocontinuityReplaceNOTE : All these switches must be replaced at the same time, please refer to (7.Interlock mechanism andadjust) for adjustment instructions(TROUBLE 2)Display shows all figures selected, but oven does not start cooking, even though desired program and timeare set and start button is tapped.CONDITION CHECKCheck continuity ofprimary interlock switchMalfunction ofprimary interlockswitchRESULTNocontinuityCAUSE REMEDYAdjust orreplaceTurn tablemotor andoven lampdonot turn onCheck D.C voltagebeing supplied toRELAY(RY4) coilFault contactsof RELAY(RY4) or openrelay coil.ReplaceCheck continuity ofsecondary interlockand D.O.M switchMalfunction ofsecondaryInterlock andD.O.M switchNocontinuityAdjust orreplaceDefective touchcontrol Circuit0VApprox.24V DCReplace✔ Caution : In this Manual, some parts can be changed for improving, their performance without notice in theparts list. So, if you need the latest parts information, please refer to PPL(Parts Price List) in ServiceInformation Center (http://svc.dwe.co.kr).