Note• Select the optimal ink level by referring to the help.• If you cannot obtain sufficiently high quality printing no matter which maximum ink usage level you select,use the Step 1: Select the standard paper dialog box to change the paper that is the basis of the cus-tom paper to another paper.• Because this settings imposes an upper limit on the amount of ink used during printing, the printing resultmight not change even if the level is changed depending on the image.• The color tone cannot be configured using the Media Configuration Tool. Although the color tone maychange when the maximum ink usage is changed, at this point you should select the optimal level by onlyfocusing on bleeding and scraping of ink. If the color tone needs to be adjusted, provide an ICC colorprofile that matches the paper you are using, and select that ICC color profile in your software. For detailson how to specify the ICC profile in the printer driver, see "Matching Sheet ." ➔ P.156• Depending on the maximum ink usage setting, some of the print qualities in the printer driver may be-come unselectable.13 Configure Head Height and Vacuum Strength asrequired and click the Next button.Usually, these do not need to be set.Important• If you set the Head Height lower than the automatically set height in parentheses ( ), check that theprinthead does not rub against the paper. (If the printhead rubs against the paper, there will be scratch-es in the printing results.) If the printhead rubs against the paper, this can cause damage to the print-head.• If you change the Vacuum Strength, check that the printhead is not rubbing against the paper. (If theprinthead rubs against the paper, there will be scratches in the printing results.) If the printhead rubsagainst the paper, this can cause damage to the printhead.• For details on the Head Height and Vacuum Strength, refer to the help.14 The Step 6: Confirm the settings dialog box is dis-played.Configure the settings of the custom paper, and thenclick the Next button.Add Custom Paper iPF6400SEUser's GuideHandling and Use of Paper Media Configuration Tool (Windows)386