1- 33 Printer DriverTOPChapter 3Printing Methods forDifferent ObjectivesChapter 4Maintaining thePrinterChapter 5Using the Printer in aNetwork Environ-mentChapter 6TroubleshootingChapter 7Operation of theFunction MenusIndexContentsChapter 2Using a Variety ofMediaChapter 1Basic ProceduresMultiple PagePrintingYou can reduce the size of the image andprint multiple copies on one sheet. Usethis feature to save paper when you needto only confirm the content.(→ P.3-24, P.3-89)Poster PrintingYou enlarge an image and have it print insections on several sheets. This isconvenient when you need to pastetogether sheets to form one large poster.(→ P.3-26, P.3-92)Printing withWatermarksYou can stamp your printouts withwatermarks or transparent overlays.(→ P.3-28)Preview DisplayDisplays a graphic representation of whatthe printout will look like by showing theeffects of the printer driver settings. Thisallows you to confirm what the print jobwill look like before you print it.(→ P.3-5, P.3-64)ColorAdjustmentYou can use the printer driver to adjust thetones of the colors in your printedmaterials. (→ P.3-42, P.3-107)Custom SizesYou an register custom sizes for paperand other media. (→ P.3-51, P.3-121)