Name of thesettingValues Description[Margin erase]Margins of a document sometimes contain notes or punchholes, for example. The machine allows you to hide these el-ements on the copy. With the + and - buttons of the [Marginerase] setting you can define how much margin of the origi-nal you want to erase. You can enter a value up to 100 mm /3.94".[Adjust image][Brightness] With the [Brightness] setting you can darken (-1 to -3) orlighten (1-3) your scan.[Contrast] With the [Contrast] setting you can change the differences incontradictions. For example between dark and light areas onyour scan. A negative value reduces the difference, a posi-tive value increases the difference.[Color] With the [Color] setting, you can adjust all colors of the im-age to more closely resemble the colors of the original,copy, or print.[Color/Black &white] [Black andwhite]Select this setting to make black & white scans.[Grayscale]Select this setting to make gray-scale scans.[Color]Select this setting to make color scans.[Color profile] • [sRGB]Select [sRGB] for a smaller color gamut with smaller dif-ferences between consecutive colors.The [sRGB] setting reduces the risk of banding.• [AdobeRGB]Select [AdobeRGB] for a bigger color gamut with biggerdifferences between consecutive colors.The [AdobeRGB] setting increases the risk of banding.[Destination] For scan to USB, you can enter the destination of the scanjob on the USB drive. You can select either the root of theUSB drive, or a new folder called ScansX, whereby X is anincrementing number. The first time you use this option, thefolder will be called Scans1.[Job name] For scan to USB, you can enter a job name. 4Description of the scan job settings276 Chapter 10 - Carry out scan jobs