Stop the printerIntroductionThe printer can be stopped in 2 ways.• ManuallyUse the Stop button or the [Stop after job] button to stop the printer.• AutomaticallyDefine a corresponding setting in the workflow profiles.Stop the printer manuallyManual stopStop after Press the button DescriptionA set one time The printer stops when the currently printed set of theactive print job is completed.It depends on the set size and the moment you press the[Stop] button when the printer will stop. For example,when you have a large set of 1,000 pages and you pressthe [Stop] button after the first page, the printing willcontinue for a couple of minutes.NOTEWhen you press the [Stop] button one time the dashboard will immediately displaya [Resume] button with a vertical, orange bar. However, the printing continues untilthe current set is completed. You must touch the [Resume] button to resume printing.A page two times The printer stops when the printer buffer is empty (assoon as possible).The buffer can contain up to 50 pages. Because theprinter stops when the buffer is empty, it is possible thatthe last printed set is not complete.NOTEWhen you press the [Stop] button two times the dashboard will immediately dis-play a [Resume] button with a vertical red bar. Move the active jobs to the list of[Waiting jobs]. However, the printing continues until the buffer is empty. You musttouch the [Resume] button to print the other jobs.A job [Stop after job] In [Jobs] -> [Queues] -> [Scheduled jobs] you must se-lect the job after which the printer must stop. Then touchthe [Stop after job].A horizontal, red and white stop bar indicates that thestop-after-job function is active.The printer stops when the selected job is completed.You must touch the [Resume] button to resume printing.NOTEWhen you print streaming jobs or jobs that consist of 1 large set, you must press two timesto stop the printer as soon as possible.Stop the printer176 Chapter 8 - Carry out print jobs